Bodhizafa Beer Recipe | All Grain American IPA by Rosann | Brewer's Friend (2025)

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Bodhizafa Beer Recipe | All Grain American IPA by Rosann | Brewer's Friend (3)


Beer Stats

Method:All Grain
Style:American IPA
Boil Time:90 min
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Pre Boil Size:7 gallons
Pre Boil Gravity:1.051(recipe based estimate)
Post Boil Gravity:1.065 (recipe based estimate)
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)
Source:Rosann Fitzpatrick

Calories:213 calories (Per 12oz)
Carbs:18.2 g (Per 12oz)

Created: Wednesday July 3rd 2024

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AmountFermentableCostPPG°LBill %
11.50 lbAmerican - Pilsner371.882.1%
2 lbMunich - Light 10L331014.3%
0.50 lbFlaked Oats332.23.6%
14 lbs / $0.00


Amount Variety Cost Type AA Use Time IBU Bill %
1 oz Columbus Pellet 15 Boil 90 min 55.05 12.5%
1 oz Chinook Pellet 13 Boil 5 min 8.89 12.5%
1 oz Mosaic Pellet 12.5 Boil 0 min 12.5%
1 oz Citra Pellet 11 Boil 0 min 12.5%
1 oz Citra Pellet 11 Dry Hop (High Krausen) 7 days 12.5%
1.50 oz Mosaic Pellet 12.5 Dry Hop 0 days 18.8%
1.50 oz Citra Pellet 11 Dry Hop 0 days 18.8%
8 oz / $0.00

Mash Guidelines

AmountDescriptionTypeStart TempTarget TempTime
7.7 galStrike160 °F152 °F60 min
Starting Mash Thickness:2.2qt/lb
Starting Grain Temp:65°F


Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05




Attenuation (avg):




Optimum Temp:

54 - 77 °F



Fermentation Temp:


Pitch Rate:

0.35(M cells / ml / ° P)116 B cells required
$0.00Yeast Pitch Rate and Starter Calculator


CO2 Level: 2.25 Volumes

Target Water Profile

Light colored and hoppy

Mash Chemistry and Brewing Water Calculator

Last Updated and Sharing




Bodhizafa Beer Recipe | All Grain American IPA by Rosann | Brewer's Friend (4)

  • Public: Yup, Shared
  • Last Updated: 2024-07-03 01:27 UTC

NEW Water Requirements:

Equipment Profile Used

System Default



Water Requirements:



' + frontendQWRResults['equipmentProfileName'] + '

';$('#new_waterrequirement_results').append(profileInfo) .append('

') .append('

');// add div placeholders for warnings and volume resultsvar modalWarnings = $('#waterrequirement_warnings');var modalVolumes = $('#waterrequirement_volumes');// add table column headers based on current display unitif ('us' == units) {modalVolumes.append('


');} else {modalVolumes.append('


');}var volumeContent = '';var totalContent = '';var showDiscrepancyWarning = false;// fill in QWR volume content$('.ui.view_new_waterrequirement_dialog.modal .ui.form').removeClass('loading');Object.keys(frontendQWRResults).forEach(function (volume) {var contentJSON = frontendQWRResults[volume];if ('warning' == contentJSON.messageType && contentJSON.message && contentJSON.message.length > 0) {modalWarnings.append('

' + contentJSON.message + '

');return;}if ('total' == volume) {totalContent = '

';if ('us' == units) {totalContent += 'Total:' + rounddecimal(contentJSON, 2) + '' + rounddecimal(gallonsToQuarts(contentJSON), 2) + '';} else {totalContent += 'Total:' + rounddecimal(contentJSON, 2) + '';}totalContent += '

';return;}if ('equipmentProfileName' == volume) {return;}var estimationMessage = '';if (isNumber(contentJSON.estimatedVolume)) {var volumeDiscrepancy = rounddecimal((contentJSON.estimatedVolume - contentJSON.volume), 2);if (volumeDiscrepancy > 0.01 || volumeDiscrepancy < -0.01) {var estimatedValue = '';if ('us' == units) {estimationValue = rounddecimal(contentJSON.estimatedVolume, 2) + " gal | " + rounddecimal(gallonsToQuarts(contentJSON.estimatedVolume), 2) + " qt";} else {estimationValue = rounddecimal(contentJSON.estimatedVolume, 2) + " L";}estimationMessage = '';showDiscrepancyWarning = true;}}if ('us' == units) {volumeContent += '

' + contentJSON.message + estimationMessage + '' + rounddecimal(contentJSON.volume, 2) + '' + rounddecimal(gallonsToQuarts(contentJSON.volume), 2) + '

';} else {volumeContent += '

' + contentJSON.message + estimationMessage + '' + rounddecimal(contentJSON.volume, 2) + '

';}});if (showDiscrepancyWarning) {modalWarnings.prepend('

NOTE: There appears to be at least one volume discrepancy between our estimations and your volumes. Check tooltip(s) below for details.


' + volumeContent + '

').append(totalContent);$('#new_waterrequirement_results').append('Brewer\'s Friend generated the above breakdown of water usage for the recipe. This is a combination of the recipe and the selected

equipment profile

. Volumes listed are calibrated to 68 °F / 20 °C.');$('#new_waterrequirement_results').fadeIn();$('#new_waterrequirement_results .exclamation').popup();}function loadWaterRequirementDialog() {$('.ui.view_waterrequirement_dialog.modal .ui.form').addClass('loading');$('#waterrequirement_results').hide();$('#waterrequirement_results').html("");// get the queryvar query = (typeof getQWRQuery != 'undefined') ? getQWRQuery() : '';// persist the change to the system$.ajax({url: "" + recipeIdForDialog+'?'+query,type: "GET",cache: false,timeout: 20000,success:function(data) {$('.ui.view_waterrequirement_dialog.modal .ui.form').removeClass('loading');$('#waterrequirement_results').html(data);$('#waterrequirement_results').fadeIn();},error:function(request, status, error) {alert("There was an error loading the water requirements. Please make sure you are connected to the internet and try again.");$('.ui.view_waterrequirement_dialog.modal .ui.form').removeClass('loading');$('#waterrequirement_results').html("Unable to get water requirements.");$('#waterrequirement_results').fadeIn();}});}

Recipe Cost $ (USD)

Recipe costs can be adjusted by changing the batch size. They won't be saved but will give you an idea of costs if your final yield was different.


Cost $ Cost %
Fermentables $
Steeping Grains
(Extract Only)
Hops $
Yeast $
Other $
Cost Per Barrel $ 0.00
Cost Per Pint $ 0.00
Total Cost $ 0.00


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Bodhizafa Beer Recipe | All Grain American IPA by Rosann | Brewer's Friend (2025)


What kind of IPA is bodhizafa? ›

OVERVIEW. Washington- American IPA- 6.9% ABV. Pale straw in color with a light silky texture from the rolled oats. The flavor and aroma both express mandarin and citrus all around.

Who makes Bodhizafa beer? ›

Georgetown Brewing Company | Darn Tasty Beer.

What grain is IPA beer made from? ›

Barley, hops, yeast, and water. These are IPA's foundations, like most beers. The first English IPAs used Goldings hops, while American IPAs used Cascade. Modern IPAs use new-era hops like Mosaic, Citra, Amarillo, and Simcoe.

What is the difference between American IPA and Belgian IPA? ›

The Belgians took this style and added more hops to their strong pale ales that were already very Belgian in character (clove, fruit, very dry). Belgians are using hops like Styrian Goldings from Slovenia and British hops so the hoppiness isn't pine and grapefruit like American IPAs but more dried hay and floral.

What is bodhizafa beer named after? ›

Both are named after characters in “Point Break,” the 1991 action flick starring Patrick Swayze as Bodhizafa, a long-haired, bank-robbing surfer, and Keanu Reeves as Johnny Utah, the clean-cut undercover FBI agent who infiltrates Bodhi's gang. “There's a lot of dogs named Bodhi now. There's a lot of sons named Bodhi.

How many calories in a Bodhizafa IPA? ›

Four pounds of hops per barrel makes this IPA truly Bodhilicious. Servings : Oz: Total Calories Derived From Source: 200. Total Calories Derived From Fat: 0.

What brewery does Kelsey Grammer own? ›

Faith American Brewing Company | Faith American Brewing Company, LLC | Faith American Ale | Faith American Blue Hazy IPA | Faith American Calico Man IPA | Kelsey Grammer.

Why is IPA different from beer? ›

WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IPA BEER AND REGULAR BEER? IPA is a style of beer, which is popular enough these days to be called “regular” beer. It is a type of pale ale but is made with more hops, to give it a stronger flavour. There's no standardised threshold at which a pale ale becomes an IPA, though.

What is the difference between American IPA and British IPA? ›

American IPAs are usually stronger and hoppier, but many classic American examples are lighter in color and are better attenuated than median British examples. English IPAs show a more estery yeast profile than their American counterparts, which are usually fermented with “clean” ale yeasts.

What grain is best for IPA? ›

A good starting point is using between 10% and 20% rye malt. Similarly, for a White IPA, swap a good portion of your pale malt for wheat in equal percentages.

Is a Belgian tripel an IPA? ›

While they may sound related, styles like dubbel and tripel have no relationship to double or triple IPA's. Tripel is a beer style with roots in the Belgian Trappist beer tradition; only beer brewed by a protected and certified order of abbey monks may be called Trappist.

What is a hazy IPA vs traditional IPA? ›

Hazy IPAs are usually heavily dry-hopped and have low bitterness. These attributes give hazy IPAs a juicier, fruitier flavor than traditional IPAs. The haze in hazy IPAs comes from the high amount of protein and yeast in the beer. This can make the beer appear cloudy, but it does not affect the flavor.

What is the difference between hazy IPA and Brut IPA? ›

Bruts are different from a hazy IPA because there's no worry about keeping the yeast in suspension and therefore it has a longer shelf life. Something that makes a brewer's life a lot easier. Hazy IPAs are… well they're hazy! They're a cloudy beer because of the unfiltered yeasts.

What Japanese beer is like an IPA? ›

AOONI IPA. Aooni ("Blue Demon") is a byword for Japanese IPA. Its assertive West Coast IPA character on your palate may raise your eyebrows at first, but it'll soon put a smile on your face with the refreshing hop flavors and refined texture. Once you taste the Aooni, there is no escaping the blue monster.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 5724

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.