THE PALM BEACH POST Page Thirteen Saturday Morning, 'February 1, 1930 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES MANY OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED TODAY (131) Houses For (131) (94) Fuel, Feed, Fertilizer (94) FOR SALE FAT, DRY, LIGHTEHED FIRE WOOD, IN OR 24 INCH LENGTH. PHONF. j)501 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. FOR SALE Fat, dry, lightered fireplace wood, 18 and'24 inch lengths. Prompt delivery.
Phone MOO. SECURITY Dairy Feed, 24 percent Protein Security Dairy Feed, 10 percent Pro tein Security Horse Feed $3.01) Bine Eagle $2.50 I Palm Street at F. E. C. ity.
URICH, BLACK MUCK, $2 PEh YARD; PlILVRRIKUn PKM. Y4RII DELIVERED PROMPTLY. NO OR-PER TOO LARGE. PHONE Ootil. (95) Household Goods (95) (SSIVE dining room furniture; bed- t)om set.
Apply mornings. U1S Avon FOR SALE Furniture from 5-ruom house, cheap, HUT good furniture lit 318 Fverniu St. CLOSE OUT SALE Lot old trunks, suitable for packing, shipping or storage; one lot of refrigerators, $5 each: one lot dressers, $5 and up; one 4-pioee living room suite, $25. We nuy, sell or trinle. lift your wants he known, Florida Furniture 2103 North Dixie.
FOR SALE-8-Pc. Mahogany Hilling room suite, jii first-class condition 408 17th St. REDUCED PRICES On New and Used Furniture MAPLE LEAF FURN. CO. 425 Third St.
l.TEAKWOOD, 1 -mahogany, 1 Early American Antiuu Desks, very reasonable. Phone 2-2474. (96) Household Machinery (96) ICE-OMATIC Williams Refrigeration ELECTRIC SERVICE SUPPLY. I COMPANY fj'J'i Datura St. Dial 2-2131 JF YOU DESIRE a change of employ-meat, state your qualifications through the Post classified columns.
Mr. W. M. Coffer, 617 please call for your ticket. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.
118 N. Olive Ave. Phone 2-2840 Machines rented and repaired. Latest electric models sold ou easy terms ncmsttrening. t(97) Jewelry, Watches (97) Optical Goods THE FINEST watch work done.
Purls for Swiss Watches made. Diamond setting, Engraving. PAUL FA 1 SOX. 23 Fagan Arcade OS) Musica! Merchandise (98) PIANO FOR SALE at sacrifice. 1st offer over $50 will be accepted.
Phone 0220. SAXAPHONE flat alto Martin- with case; cost $200, guaranteed. Sacrifice for $50. Barash Store, Dixie and Clematis. Office and Store (99) Equipment REWRITE I'S, ADDING MACHINES Ml makes; sold, rented repaired Boval and Sunstrnnil Healers I'ALM BEACH TYPEWRITER CO.
P. O. Bldg. Phone "-2512 (100) Radio Equipment (100) CROSLEY AGENCY RADIO WORK EXCLUSIVELY J. V.
PAYNE, Phone 8300 611 36th St. (101) Seeds, Plants, (101) Trees THE SUNKEN GARDEN Ocean. Boulevard Delray Bench Ornamental plants, shrubs, shade trees. Cassias in blosom, $1.00. TOR SALE Arnlius shrubs, all, 1 cheap.
431 13th street, rear. GARDEN anniiuls, large hibiscus, 1 fliinio vine, ucalphu and other shrub bery; 12 year old fruit trees. 812 26th it, Luke Worth. 4M. SAM GOLDSMAN you are invitee mf 'I he Post at the ci ANN, 1513 Florida I to be a guest current attraction BULBS BULBS Giant paper, white narcissus, pink amarylli8, yellow calla Utiles, large gladiolus, Texas roses.
TJE SEED STORE H. D. Derrick 910-18 Belvedere Rd. Phone 2-2300 THE i.OOK NOOK, 202 Fern St. Rental Library; latest fiction; cut flowers, 15c bunch up; gladiolus.
Gerbcra Daisies. FINE LOTS of Calendulas, forget-me-nots and other annuals. Also large crotons, bougnuvilliiiH, Txoia, Ahuuau-da, etc. Barrows, 100 Lakevicw Blvd. Tele.
2-2330. PLANTS for Inside decorations, palms, ferns, English ivy, arbor-vitaes, begonias, large crotons. Annual plants ready. Berry's Nursery, Belvedere Ttoad. Phone 2-3S10.
ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, Avocado and Mango Trees for sale, reasonable. Beach's Nursery, Andrews Road and Parker Ave. 'CUT FLO WiEHS Also corsage and shoulder bouquets; wedding and funeral flowers. Floral designing a specially. King's Florist Exchange, LanDum, Fin.
(103) Wanted To Buy (103) 1 NTED Living room, vanity dining iron room safe. into; uresser; hone ,7114. For Sale or Lease (148) JOHN H. DAYTON, INC. John H.
Dayton Edith M. Davton REAL ESTATE RENTALS South Ocean near Hammond Avenue PHONE 4030 OR 9S07 New York Office, 47 34th St, Room 550 REAL BARGAINS IN SALES RENTALS COLLECTION'S INSURANCE A. H. REALTY COMPANY, 1-, P. O.
Arcade Phone INC. -1044 (149) Real Estate For (149) Exchange WILL TRADE Kansas City Uigh-" grade income property for good 8 or 10 room modern residence, Clear. Close to lake in Palm Beach or West Palm Bench, South. Phone Mr: Weaver. R120.
(150) Wanted-Real Estate (150) OWNER will trade brand new, 50 ft. twin screw Elco cruiser, completely furnished for property in Palm Beach or Prospect Park (preferably vacant lots). Can add cash if necessary. Apply Box C2 No. 21, care Post.
LEGAL NOTICES (No. V.O) NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE TAKE NOTICE: That on the 3rd day of February, 1930, 1 will, In accordance withf the Final Decree entered in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida for Palm Beach County, In Chancery, in the suit of Central Farmers Trust Company, as Trustee, Complainant, Vs. Weber-Wallack Realty Company, et al, defendants, before the front door of the County Court House of Palm Beach County, offer for sale and sell, to the highest and best bidder for cash, during legal hours of sale, the following described real estate in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wlt: Lots 2 and 27, of Block 11 of Colonial Estates a subdivision of the City of West Palm Beach, Florida, a Plat of which is filed in the office of tbe Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach Coun-. ty, Florida. E.
M. BAYNES, Special Master in Chancery M. S. McCracken, Attorney for Plaintiff. Jan.
5. 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 23, 20, 27. 2S, 29, 30. 31; Feb.
1, 1030. No. 12S0 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MASTER'S 8AI.E Chan. No. X0)3 Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of Final Decree dated the 9th day of January, A.
D. 1930, made by the Honorable C. Chillinirworth. Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Honda, in and for l'nlm Bench County, in that certain cause pending therein, Seaboard Mortgage Company of Baltimore, a Delaware corporation licensed to do business in the State of Florida, is complainant, and Robert S. Ventura and Frances I.
Ventura, his wife, Commercial Bond and Mortgage Company, a Florida corporation, Southborough Development Corporation, a Florida corporation, Hibiscus Investment Company, a Florida corporation, and The Century Trust Company -of Baltimore, Trustee, a Maryland corporation, are defendants, I will offer for sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, in front of the West Door of the Court House in the City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, during the legal sale hours on Monday, February 3rd, A. D. 1030, the same being a legal sales day of said Court, the following described real estate, situate, and being iu the County of Palm Bench, State of Florida, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lots 311 and 312, "Woodlawn" Addition to West Palm Beach, Florida, according to plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Plat Book 10, Page 41. The said sale being made in pursuance of said decree and for the purpose of carrying out the terms thereof. W1LLARD I TLEY, Special Master in Chancery.
Newman T. Miller, Solicitor for Complainant Jan. 11. IS. 25; Feb.
1, .1030. No. 1270 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE Cblin. No. K1S1 Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a Final Decree dated the flth day of January, A.
D. 1030, made by the Honorable C. E. Chllllngworth, Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the Stale of Florida, iu and for Palm Beach County, iu that certain cause pending therein, wherein Seaboard Mortgage Company of Baltimore, a Delaware corporation licensed to do business Iu the Slate of Florida, Is complainant, and The Century Trust Company of Baltimore, Trustee, a Maryland corporation. Commercial Bond a il Mortgage Company, Florida corporation, Joseph Laclnv anil I.nclav, his wife, and J.
F. Gallagher and his wife Icele Gallagher, are defendants, I will offer for sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, in front of the West Door of the Court House in the City of West I'alm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, during the legal sale hours ou Monday, February 3rd, A. D. 1030, the same being a legal, sales (lav of said Court, the following described real estate, situate, lying, and being iu the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot 18, Block 1, of "Delliiwanna Place," a subdivision within the City of West l'nlm Bench, County of l'nlm Bench. State of Florida, according to a plat thereof recorded iu plat hook at page 07 of the Public Records of l'nlm Beach County, Florida.
The said sale being made In pursuance of said decree nud for the purpose of carrying out the terms thereof. Wit. LARD UTLEY, Special -Master in Chancery, Newman T. Miller, Solicitor for Complainant. Jan.
C. BALK-COM, residences unknown. It appearing from the Affidavit ot the Complainant's Attorney in the above entitled cause duly filed therein that he believes that vou, MELVIN II. PARKER. DORIS MOWRY PARKER, his wife, JOHN S.
M. C. BALKCOM, Ins defendants in said cause, nre residents S)t State or Country other than the State of Florida; that your residences are unknown; that yoti lire over the age of twenty-one (21) years; and that there is no person in the State of Florida the service of subpoena upon whom would bind you! WHEREFORE. IT IS CONSIDERED, ORDERED AND DECREED that you do appear in said cause and to the bill of complaint therein, on the first Monday in the month of February, A. 1030: and that on your failure so to do the allegations in said bill of complaint will be taken against you ns confessed, and that said cause will pro cccd ex parte as to you; and, it is further ORDMREH and DECREED that this Order be published once (1) a week for four (4) consecutive weeks he.
fore the Inst said date, in The Palm Bench Post, a newspaper published iu Palm Bench County, Hondo. WITNESS the hand of the under signed Clerk of the above named Court and the seal of said Court hereunto affixed on this 10th day of December, 1020, nt West I'alm Beach, Florida. FRED FENNO, Clerk of Circuit Court. Bq MERLE P. JOHNSTON, Deputy Clerk.
(Circuit Court Seal) L. GASKINS, Solicitor for Complainant. 1001 lilsbee Jacksonville, Fla. Dec. 2.x, 102D; Jan.
That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the Town of Boca Raton, Florida, described as follows: Beginning nt the intersection of the township line between Town- mIi i ps 47 and 4. (which the boundary line between J'nim Bench. County and Broward County) with the Atlnntlc Ocean: thence running west on said Township line to the center of the llillsboro State Canal: thence following said center if said CnnaJ westerly to Us intersection with the Range Line between Ranges 42 and 43; thence running North along said Range Line to the southwest corner of Section IS, Township 47. Range 13 East: thence, easterly along south line of Section Township 47S, Range 43. East to Japanese Canal; thence northerly along west line of right-of-way of said Japanese Canal to its intersection with the south line of Section fi.
Township 47 South, Range 43 East thence easterly along south line of Section li. 0 and 4. all in Township -17 South; Range 43 East, to the intersection of said south line 'of said Section 4. Township 47 South. Range 43 East, with the west line of the Florida Coast Lino Canal and Transportation Company's right-of-way of the East Coast Canal; thence running southerly nlonir the west line of the Florida Coast Line Cnunl and 'Transportation Company's right-of-way of its East Const Canal to its intersection with the south Section line of Section 10, Township 4T South, Range 43 East; thence running easterly along the South Section line of Section HI.
Township 47 South, Range 43 East, to the Atlantic Ocean: thence southerly fol- lowing the waters of the Atlantic Ocean to the point of beginning, be, and the same hereby is, declared to be a bird sanctuary. Section 2. That it is unlawful for any person to shoot, kill, trap, catch, chase, injure or capture, within lht limits of the territory described in Sec. tion One hereof, any of the following named birds, to-wit Anatidae, commonly known as swans; geese, brant and river and sea ducks; rallidue, commonly known as rails or marsh hens; coots and gallinules; limicolae, commonly known as shore birds; plovers, surf birds, snipe, woodcock, sandpipers, tattlers ami curlews; callinae, commonly known as wild turkeys; grouse, pheasants nud quail; and the species of columbne, known as mourning doves (commonly called turtle doves.) Section 3. That any person found guilty of a violation of this ordinance shall be punished bv a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 00 days, or both.
I'assed and adopted by the Town. Council of the Town of Boca Raton. Florida, at a regular meeting thereof hold no the 21st day of December, A 1, 1020. Approved and of December, A signed this 20th May 1 1.. FRED AIKEN.
-Mayor. Earl" Moore. Town Clerk. Feb. 1.
S. A. PEEBLES and FAITH O. PRE PLES, his wife, et nl Defendants. ORDER FOU PC15LICATION.
THE STATE OF FLORIDA: TO S. A. PEEBLES, Route 4. Ellilar, Georgia: FAITH O. PEEPLES, Route 4.
Ellijay, Georgia: It appearing from the Affidavit of the Complainant's Attorney iu the above entitled cause duly filed therein that he believes that vou. S. A. PEEBLES, and FAITH O. PEEPLES.
bis wife, defendants in said cause, are residents ot a state or country other than the State of Florida: that your residences as particularly as the same are known to said affiant, are Route 4, ELLIJAY, GEORGIA; that you are over the nge of twenty-one (21) years: and that there' is no person in the State of Florida the service of a Subpoena upon whom would bind vou; WHEREFORE. It Is CONSIDERED, ORDERED and DECREED that you do appear in said cause and to the bill or complaint therein, on the first Monday in the mouth of February. A. 1030; and that on your failure so to do the negations In said bill of complaint will be taken against you as confessed, and that said cause will proceed ex parte as to vou: nud It is further ORDERED and DE. CREED that this Order be published once (1) a week for four (I) consecutive weeks before the Inst said date, in The Palm Beach Post, newspaper published in Palm Beach County, Flor-.
WITNESS the hand of the undersigned Clerk of the above named Court ud the seal of said Court hereunto affixed on this 10t)i day of December, A. 1920. at West Palm Beach, Florida. FRED E. FENNO, Clerk, Circuit Court By MERLE P.
JOHNSTON, (Circuit Court Seal) Deputy Clerk. P. L. GASKINS. Solicitor for 100 1 Bisbee Jacksonville, Fla.
Dec. 2S, 1029; Jan. 4, 11, IS, 25; Feb, 1, 1030. (No. 1270) NOTICE OF SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE Chancery S.T.'ft Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of that certain final decree made and entered ou the Nth dav of January, A 1030, by the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida in nud for Palm Beach County, in that certain cause therein pending iu equity wherein Ellis L.
t'iersou is the complainant, and liar, old Maddock and Grace .1. Ma(dock, his. wife, and Chester L. Maxwell, and, if married, Maxwell, his wife. the name bejng fictitious, the first name of said defendant, Mary being unknown to complainant, are thn defendants, the undersigned Special appointed in said cause, will offer for sale and sell at public outcry to Hit' highest nud best bidder for cash, at the West door of the Palm Beach County Court House, same being the front door, in the City of 'esC Palm Beach, State of Florida, within the legal hours of sale, ou Moudnv, the 3rd day of February, A.
1030, the following described property situate, ami being in the County of Palm Bench, anil Stale of Florida, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lots Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), nnd Fourteen (II), Block One (1). Town of lloyuton, according to pint thereof on file me on ice ot the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Bench Count Florida. said property being sold to satisfy said decree and all costs Dated at West i'alm Beach, palm Leach County, Slate of Florida, this 10th day of Jauuarv, A. 1030. JAMES N.
FIELDING. Special Master lu Chnucerv. IIOUSER WOOD. Solicitors for Complainant. Jan Feb.
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That on the 3rd day of March. 1030, at ten o'clock A. or as soon thereafter he can be heard, the undersigned will apply to Honorable Richard P. Bobbins, Judge Of said Court, ns Judge Probate, for final discharge us Administrator of the Estate of Euiil MucU ler. deceased, and at the same time he will present final accounts ns Admin Istrator nnd ask for their approval.
Dated this 27th day of December. 1929. MATTHEW L. BROWN, As Administrator of I he Estate ot Emil Mueller. Deceased.
Widemnn Wideman, Attorneys for Administrator. Dee. 2.S, Jan. 4. 11, IS, 25; Feb.
A. C. RATSHESKY, WAKREN G. TORRE and CENTRAL FARMERS' TRUST COMPANY, a Florida corporation, as administrators with the will annexed of the Estate of J. Samuel Hodge, deceascdj Complainants, ANNA E.
DRINKER, et Defendants. NOTICE OF MASTEK'9 SALE Cum- Xn. "fllMI NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of a certain final decree iu a foreclosure suit entered ou the 31st clay of January, A. 103O. in that certain cause ponding iu Circuit Court of Palm Bench County, wherin A.
C. Riitshesky, Warren G. Torrey and Central Farmers' Trust Cumpnuv, Florida corporation, as 'administrators with the will annexed of the Estate of J. Samuel Hodge, deceased, nre com plninanls, and Anna E. Brlnker and Winford 11.
Brinker, her husband: Thomas II. H. Fuge and Doris Fuge, Thomas IL Stephens and Lillian Stephens, his wife: Mortgage Guaranty Company, Florida corporation; Robert E. Shirk and Harriet A. Shirk, his wife, are defendants, I will offer for sale at public auction at the west front door of the Court House iu the City of West Palm Beach, County of l'nlm Bench nud State of Florida, to the highest, and best bidder tor cash, on the 3rd day of March, A.
1030. be tween the hours of Eleven o'clock A and Two o'clock P. the follow ing described property, located in the County of Palm Bench and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot Nine (0) of Block Eight (K) of Bethesda Park, according to the plat thereof on file lu the office of the Clerk of Circuit -Court in and for Palm Bench County, Florida. WILLARD UTLEY, Special Master in Chancery. Geo.
V'. Coleman, Solicitor for Complainants, Feb. l-H-15-22; Mar. 1. (No.
vs. Vesta Davis, et vir et al. Defendants. FOB PUBLICATION' It appearing by affidavit, filed iu this case that the defendants. L.
Scul-thorpe and Lottie S. Sculthorpe, his wife, Gladys II. Dixon, unmarried; Josephine MacKcrclirr. uiimnrriod; I'rank A. Holdeii anil Mrs.
Frank A. Holdeu, are residents of a State and country oilier than the Slate of Florida; and that the residence of said defendants is unknown: that there is no person iu the State of Florida, the service of a subpoena upon whom would bind said defendants or either of them, and that they are each over the age of twenl y-one years. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that said non-resident defendants, J. L. Sclil-thorpe and Lottie S.
Sculttiorpe, his wife; Gladys R. Dixon, unmarried: Josephine MacKcrchcr, unmarried: Frank A. Holdeu, and Frank A. Holdeu be and they are hereby required to appear to (he Bill of Complaint filed in sai.l cause on or before the 3rd day of .11130. otherwise tin- allegations of said bill will Ife taken as confessed by said defendants, IT IS FURTHER that this order lie published once a week for four consecutive weeks.
in The I'alm Beach Post, a newspaper published in said Couutv and State This snth day of January, 1 (Circuit Court Seal FRED K. FENNO, Clerk Circuit Court. By MERLE P. JOHNSTON Paul C. Taylor.
Deputy Clerk. Solicitor for Complainant Pub. Feb. 1-8 15-22. and Mar.
BUS110NG, Complainant, vs. FRANCES T. ISFSIIONG. Defendant. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION It appearing upon affidavit filed iu the above cause, that the defendant, Frances T.
Hiishong, is a. nou-residcat of the Stale of Florida; that the residence of said defendant is Y. 31th Street, New York City, New York; that the said defendant is over the ago of tu-enty-oue years and thet there is no person in the Stale of Florida service of a subpoena unon whom would bind said, defendant, it is therefore ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that said defendant, Frances T. Bushoug, be. and she is hereby commanded to appear to the Bill of Complaint filed herein on or before the dav of March, A.
D. 10311, otherwise the allegations of said Rill of Complaint will be taken as confessed by her. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order be published once a week for four (I) consecutive weeks in Hie I'alm Beach Post, a newspaper published in snid County State. WITNESS MY HAND and the Seal of said Court at West Palm Beach, Florida, tills 23rd day of January, A. 1030.
FRED E. FENNO, Clerk of the above Court, By MERLE P. JOHNSTON, D. C. (Circuit Court Seal) J.
W. SALISBURY, Solicitor for Complainant. Jan. 25. Feb.
1, 15, 22, 103II. (No 12SI1 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE CHANCERY XO. 7101 Notice is hereby given that under and bv virtue of Finn! Decree dated the llth day of January. 1030, made by the Honorable C. K.
Chillingworth. Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Palm Beach County, iu that certain cause pending therein, wherein Commercial Bond and Mortgage Company, a Florida corporation, is complainant, an. I M. Brotsky. sometimes called Morris Brntsky, sometimes called Morris B.
Brotsky Pansy Brotsky, 'lis wife; A. llerscliliorn, sometimes called Abrn-hnni llerschkorii. anil Helen Hersrh-korn, his wife: A Porteus; Henry A. Rush, Adolph Rush, anil Henry Iseliu. co-pnrtners doing business ns Rush and Company; Riviere Brass and Bronze Company, a foreign corporation; Seaboard Mortgage Company of Baltimore, a Dceware corporation; Esther Jacobs, formerly Esther lioscuwuld, and her husband, Joseph Jacobs; Rosenwnld, single woman; II.
Brown, Knebcl; The Century Trust Company of Baltimore. Trustee, a corporal inn, are defendants, I will offer for sale and will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, iu front of the West Door of the Court Douse in the City of West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, during the legal sale hours on Monday. February 3rd, A. 1030, the same being a legal I sales day ot said Court, the following described real estate, situate and being in the I oiinty nt Palm Beach State of Florida, more particularly do scribed as follows, to-wit: Lot HIS an. I the West 0 feet of Lot 107 of 'Soiilliboro Park' at South Pawn Beach, West Palm Beach, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court iu and for Palm Beach County, Florida, anil recorded in Plat Book No.
0, at page 57. The said sale being made iu pur. siiance of said decree and for the purpose of carrying out the terms thereof WILLARD UTLEY, Special Master in Chancery. NEWMAN T. MILLER.
Solicitor for Complainant. Jan. IMS 25; Feb. 1. 1221) COUNT! JUDGE, IN COURT PALM A it! fi STATE OF FLORIDA.
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX FOR FINAL DISCHARGE IN RE ESTATE OF AARON A. SWETT, DECEASED Notice is hereby given to nil whom It may concern, that on the 7th dav of February, A. D. 1030, 1 shall apply to the Honorable Richard Bobbins. Judge of said Court, ns Judge of Probate, tor my final discharge as administratrix of the estate of Aaron A.
Swett, deceased: and that at the same time I will present my final accounts ns administratrix of said estate, and ask fol or approval. Dated December lit li. A. 1020 I ADA SANDERS. Formerly Ada Swell, Administratrix, RAYMOND S.
YEOMAN'S, Attorney for Administratrix. Dec. 7-14-212S; Jan. 4-11-1S-25; Feb. 1.
as of (109) Chiropractors (109 DR. D. C. McINTOSH CHIROPRACTOR 211 Coiueau FRAZIER FRAZIER, D. Neurocalometer and X-Ray Res.
448 Roselnnd Drive. Dial 7637 412 Harvey Blrtg. Phone 2-2434 (110) Masseurs (110) ELECTRIC cabinet bath, massage, ir. rigation, reducing courses; open (Inn. days.
Emily Dual, 359 So. Palm Beach, opposite City Hall, V. B. Phone 2-1276. (110) Masseurs (110) ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS (with the famous MEDICATED FUMES) artificial SUN RAYS (ultra violet rayB) Manipulations, Reducing courses, Diet, Electric and all modem drugless treatments.
Phone 2-2011 for appointment 1'. B. BATTLE CREEK treatment clinic. 105 So. Dixie corner Clematis, West Palm Beach.
Note: This is the only office of its kind in Palm Beach County, run under the personal supervision of a licensed physician. Fifteen years in practice, five years successful practice in Palm Beach Cou ty. (Ill) Optometrists (111) FRANK IDNUR, Optometrist 30!) Okeechobee Road Try our SOFT-LITE Lenses! Beftoi vision less "lure. (112) Osteopaths (112) Hotel and Home Appointments DR. BERTHA W.
BRAN STETTER Osteopathic Physician Forestdale Apartments, 420 Hibiscus Phone 9412 FOR as low as 2te a Say, Including Sundays, you can keep your name before the public with a Post class! fled business card. Dial 6X01 and ask to have a representative call and explain. (113) Physicians (113 DR. PAUL C. RONNING Day ami Night Calls Phone 2-2011 Suite No.
l-! Corner Dixie and Clematis (114) Professional (114) General PALM BEACH SAXITARU-M, 42nd St. ami Greenwood Ave. Will care for invalids, convalescents, chronic cases, special diets. Professional nurses in attendance. I'lione 0310.
Rooms, Board, Etc. (119) Rooms With Board (119) ROOMS AND MEALS near ocean. Twin Palms. 225 Australian Ave. Tel.
Palm Bench, (120) Rooms Without (120) Board SLEEPING rooms, $3.00 weekly; doubles, 1, 2, 3, room kitchenettes, weekly; showers, bath; suitable young ladies, bachelors, couples. 723 Everniu St. 332 34TJI Two modern, airy rooms, good location. 100 feet from bus line. Private home.
FOR RENT Room iu. private family, near two bus lines, $4 II week for 1, $0 for two persons. Apply 322 Jefferson Place. YOU can secure first, class, downtown hotel room with twin beds uud bath at half rate, $2110 for 2 months. Address Box C3 No.
11, care Post. FOR RENT Clean, comfortable rooms, close in on tins line, between Dixie and Olive, 312 Vallelte Way. LAKE VIEW INN, 32S 4th double rooms, twin beds, to $10; single $4 to $7 weekly, $1 per night. Meals if desired. FOR RENT Furnished room In pri vate family.
328 Jeffersou Place, 12 blocks south of Clematis. (122) V. here to Eat (122) NEW YORK VIEW Hotel Cafeteria Good eats, home conking, quick service, liest 111 town. 40i jth St. YOU can see your sandwich prepared at the THIRST STATION', corner Floridn and Okeechobee Road.
Your drinks nre served in sterilized glas ses. ELEVENTH STREET BARBECUE Dixie at 11th (i. C. Henderson Toasted sandwiches; barbecue, root beer; cold drinks. Curb service.
Real Estate for Rent (125) Apartments (125) (furnished) SMALL garage apartment, near lake porch, bedroom and kitchen. 305 So. Lakeside Court. COLONIAL II ALL APTS. 4 room Apts.
furnished. Rates $10 and Also attractive weekly rentals. Ap 'ply M5 Upland Apt. 101. tl REVS TONE House of four real homes, each accommodate two or four adults.
Also li room bungalow, both close I'lione 1017. FUR NISI I El I A FA ENTS FOR RENT PHONE 2-201 1 OR 5N12 FLAMINGO DISTRICT, 5IIS Pnrk tl-rooni, moilernly furnished apartment: rental very reasonable. Phone 5311. KITCHENETTE apartments, $3S per mouth; close in; 4 blocks from Post Office. Inquire at (110 Gardenia St.
TWO-rooms, kitchen, bath, dressing room and screened sleeping porch, furnished; garage. Anults. 4o: 11th St. FOR RENT 5 rooms anil bath, hot and cold water, everything furnished, with piano; very reasonable: close in; Fern street, ALIIAMBRA APT. HOTEL 4th St and No.
Olive Completely furnished apartments. Rites include gas, lights, linens, silverwart: uiaid and Jaiutor service. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS PRIVATE BATH LOW RATES DIXIE TERRACE APTS. 30th St and No. Pixie Completely and beautifully furnished near the lake.
HIBISCUS APARTMENTS 619 Hibiscus St. Completely furnished apartments, Including lights, gas and water; also maid and Janitor service. Low rates for hotel accommodations. A (144) Houses for Sale (144) J. H.
PATON'S BEST CITY BUYS $2,300 SPANISH, FURNISHED FIVE ROOMS bungalow, below value; 3rd from Dixie; easy terms; garage. $3,500 I LARGE, PERFECT PLANNED ROOMS, 2 PORCHES, FLAMINGO, near Florida. Needs some repairs. $10,000 BEST VALUE OFFERED TO DATE, 8-ROOM, 2-story, large tile bathroom: separate tile shower; 3 large bedrooms; large closets, and living, dining, kitchen, breakfast room; separate toilets; kicheu porch tile floor whole house, garage apt. front porch, porte coehere, tile trim and front porch tile floor, 2-car, 4-room bath, porch, laundry and separate toilet garage apartment.
Rented swno mouth. Less than 1-3 builder's cost. RENTALS choice homes, furnished; special values. We have rented every furnished house under $50 we have listed. CALL AT 219 DATURA ST.
GROVE ST. 5-room bungalow and 2 acres land, Northwood, 10-room duplex, $3,500. Cordelia Slater, 33S-Mi Clematis. Phone 2-0572. FIVE-room bungalow, south; has electrically equipped kitchen and nicely furnished throughout which cost.
well landscaped lot. All for the price of an unfurnished bungalow. Price on application. FRANK ANDERSON 3110 Datura St. Phone 77SC THIS IS the logical time to buy a home.
I have large selection prices from $2,000 to good terms. H. H. Pinkncy, 503 Sixteenth St. Phone 0723.
$1000 SPECIAL Two Car Garage apartment of 3 rooms and porch furnished, south. $200 cash, balance $23 per month including interest Mr. Pilkey, 338' Clematis. Low Prices Easy Terms Large list of desirable locations LIBERTY FINANCE 001 Harvey Building OR YOUR BROKER OWNER needs money and will stll bungalow of five rooms anu naui, garage Wlta uiree room ana sfl'o apartment, all nicely furnished ni well located, for $3,800. st.JOO csh.
Live in apartment and et bvngalow help pay for your home. P. O. 80s 1172, West Palm Beach. A PLEASANT all year round homo-some income.
Near Central Schools and in easv walking distance of downtown district. Owner on place. 711 South Sapodilla Ave. 031 FRANKLIN ROAD For sale, 0-room, all modern, stucco bungalow. Was not storm damaged, Terms reasonable.
Write Emma M. Klausmeier, 1383 W. Main Decatur, 111. FOR Sale Frame house: 4 rooms and bath; 2 porches; lot 50x125, not far out; good terms. Price $3,000.
P. O. Box 1091. FOUR stucco houses, 5 rooms each; east of Dixie Highway and Oliye, on Pilgrim Road, easy payments. Jack Ohlabcr.
325 Comeau Bldg. FOR RENT Two story stucco finish 3 bedroom house in fine location, priced to SELL at $5,000.00 on very easy terms. This is an outstanding value. WAGG ORGANIZATION Phone 2-3321 215 South Olive Ave. FOR SALE Former Fitzgerald residence property, 900 No.
Olive Ave. Address owner, Albert A. Taylor Cocoa, Florida. FOR SALE Bungalow, between Olive and the lake, south, furnished. Dr.
Sanborn, 105 South Dixie. Phone 2-2074. (145) Lots For Sale (145 AUCTION! Saturday Feb. 1st 2 :00 P. M.
At 529 South St. Lake Worth Five-room bungalow and garage, very attractive little place-to be sold to the high bidder, regardless of price. Come to this sale and we will tell you the rest. Terms. G.
D. BEEBE, Auctioneer 534 Datura St. FOR SALE Lots 1 and 12, Bl. 20 also 12 in 27 Bowers Park, Boyii-ton, 7-S-0-I0 HI. 211.
Kelsey City. Hep- resents $11,000. What is your offer Cash only. Paul Fryxell, Box 715, White Plains, N. Y.
VOU will profit by giving your ad a chance to bring best results. We are a complimentary ticket fur Mr. tiriinsliain, 1112 Florida Ave. PERFECT LOCATION, OA It Ad AND GAS STATION, 11.500 SQUARE FEET MORE AVAILABLE IF WANTED. OKEECHOBEE AND DIXIE.
GUARANTEE TO SHOW GOOD PROFIT. OWNER. 320 OKEECHOBEE WEST PALM BEACH, PHONE 2-0572. FOR SALE BY OWNER 50 feet close In on Dixie Highway, Luke Worth. Excellent business location.
Small bungalow lu rear. $5,000. Half cash balance to suit. J. J.
Sinclair. 22." Monroe Drive, Southland Park, West Palm Beach. (147) Palm Beach Real Estate (147) PALM BEACH-For Bale by owner, either seventy-five or one fiftv ft. frontage, centrally located ocean block of Royal Park. I'his an excellent investment at $300 per front ft.
P. O. Box 1172 faun Beach. H. SORENSON Realtor PALM BEACH PROPERTIES Rentals 255 Royal Palm Way Phone 8510 ADAMS ADDITION Wells Road facing North, hlghclnss residential section.
Lot 100x105 and can be bought for $11,000. A real opportunity for an investment. JOHN H. BIRDSALL REALTOR 229 Palm Beach So. Ph.
0S30 THIS is the last and twentieth inline to appear today for a complimentary ticket to the Kettler Thenlre. Mr. Henderson, 513 has a ticket today. FURNISHED, stucco house at 400 Peruvian Palm Beach, near Everglades Club. Four muster bedrooms and large living room, porch, garage, two servants rooms.
Home iu fine condition. Owner wants to sell nud will consider a reasonable ensh offer. If you arc looking for nice home in a good locution. Dial 4S33 for appointment to inspect. ROYAL PARK A 2-story house In a good residential section and offered for $11,200, unfurnislieil.
JOHN II. BIRDSALL Realtor 229 Palm Bench So. Ph. OS30 A. P.
Apartments (furnished) (125) MARGUERITE AND JULIETTE APARTMENTS Corner Georgia Ave. St Completely furnished, including lights, cas. hot water and maid service Attractive Prices Apply Apt. 5, Marguerite Apts, FOUR-ROOM garage apartment, neatly furnished, with garage, $30; No. 411 Independence Road or Harry P.
Mc Uinlcy Realty Phone 0l. LOW RENTALS WELL LOCATED LIBERTY FINANCE 901 Harvey Building NORWAY APARTMENTS Twenty-fourth St Phone 0250 Housekeeping Apartments HENDERSON APARTMENTS 36th Street near the Lake MODERN COMPLETELY FURNISHED Moderate rates include gas lights, hot and cold water, L. A. Hogarth, Manager Dial 6459. UOLUMAb HALL APIS.
4 room Apts. furnished. Rates $40 and $53. Also attractive weekly rentals. Ap piy Bid Apt.
101. SCHER APARTMENTS FURNISHED Phone 0406 4 Blocks South of Clematis LOW SEASON RENTAL 1, 2 rooms and hath. Also bachelor apartments. Rates, i20 to $240 for season. Maid service, hot water free.
low monthly rates. FOR RENT Apartment In duplex house, 5 rooms and bath, screened porches, garage, fireplace, solar hot water. Attractive furnishings. Near lake and bridge to Palm Beach. Linen ana silver furnished.
Reduced rental 223 Monroe Drive, Southland Park, West Palm Beach. MONROE DRIVE Southland Park Modern Housekeeping Apartments Three Bedrooms and Garage Season $400 REALTY COMPANY, 901 Harvey Bldg. SEVILLE APARTMENTS Belvedere Court Desirable Housekeeping Apts. Water and Lights Furnished Season $200 REALTY COMPANY 901 Harvey Bldg. DO NOT-overlook the bargains in to day's classified We.
are hold ing a complimentary ticket to the Kettler Theatre for Mr. Holder, OOti street. APARTMENTS Living room, dining alcove, bathroom, kitchenette; maid service and garage, Rentals reduced $35 and up. Between Lake and Olive, near south -bridge 217 Wcnonah Place. Telephone 0340.
FLAGLER APARTMENTS Flagler Drive at Trinity Place Modem Apartments Moderately Priced With All Conveniences MRS. WM. U. OWENS, MANAGER DIAL 2-11S1 CORDOVA APARTMENTS VALENCIA APARTMENTS Low Rentals Apply Valencia Apt. 11 Georgia Ave.
St. Phone toll PLAZA APARTMENTS Corner Georgia Ave. Park St. Moderate rentals, Including frigl-dair. lights, gas, janitor service: Apply Mrs.
Perkins, Apt. 11 Phono 0241 FOR RENT Garage apartment and other apartments. Apply 702 So. Sapo dilla avenue. FOR RENT Furnished three-room ga rage apartment.
Water furnished Twenty-five month until May 1st Apply 340 Walton Blvd. South. FOR RENT Nicely furnished apart ment; 3 rooms and bath, all conveu iences, including garage; yearly ten ants, old 44th street. FIVE ROOMS Also four-room gagage apartment, close in. Oarage laundry Near lake.
Low rental. 310 N. Lake side Court. (126) Apartments (unfurnished) (126) Convenietly Located Low Rates LIBERTY FINANCE 901 Harvey Iluilding (127) Business Places (127) For Rent WATCH REPAIR and Jewelry Store, Wonderful location. Low rent.
Ap ply, linv 3 No. in, care Post, (128) Farms and (128) Lands For Rent TURN YOUR TIME INTO DOLLARS Raise spring vegetables splendid muck land; close In: hard road; Plowed ready for planting at reason able rent: large tract and can be rented in any nuantity desired; por tion rented to one of best truckers in tins vicinity. HARRY P. MctHNLEY REALTY CO. 117 South Poinsettia Phone 0140 (131) Houses For (131) Rent (furnished) SEASON YEAR RENTALS PALM BEACIl-W.
PALM BEACH We have 'them STUDSTILL HOLLENUECK, Inc. 302 Datura St. I'lione 3220 VERY desirable bungalow, central location; 3 bedrooms, light, gas and water, furnished, $300 until May 1st. 413 Westwood Road. COMPLETELY furnished, clean, dainty bungalow-, close to ocean bridge and good markets, 4 Graham Circle, on Okeechobee road between Poinsettia and Olive.
MRS. WOOD, 013 Street. RENTALS Beautiful home, Prospect Bungalow, 2 bdrms Bungalow, 3 hilrtns Park, $150 $200 Bungalow, 50th $30 per mouth. Apartment, Fin. $00 per mo.
See ALBERT JOHNSTAI), with Frank A. Huston, Realtor, 209 So. Olive St, I'lione 2-11131 (125) Rent (furnished) BEAUTIFUL, 5-room, furnished house, one block of Southern Blvd. Bridge, ou Olive, reosonable remainder of season. Apply 211 Uraymon Drive, TWO-STORY house, El Cid, Lake Block, two baths, two-car garage and servants room with bath, $oOO to May 1.
Margaret A. Underwood, Citizens Bank Bldg. Phone 9551. RENTALS SEASONAL Or Yearly. We Have Them two stories and apartments $30 month up, $200 season up WEST PALM BEACH and PALM BEACH i.
T. McRAE R. L. McCARLEX 318 Datura Street Phone 7313 RENTALS season or otherwise, houses and apartments. Call Davis, 2-2171.
Carr Carr, Inc. NORTHWOOD Two story, stucco home, four bedrooms, nicely furnished, two car garage, yearly lense, reasonable rent. Grundy, 232 First St, 327 GREENWOOD DRIVE, furnished house, 3 bedrooms, servants quarters, $500 for season or will give yearly rate. Phone 9450 for appointment. (132) Houses For (132) Rent (unfurnished) FOUR bedrooms, 2 baths, living room and dining room combined and kitchen; front and back porches; unfurnished; rent reasonable by the year, Apply 417 Gardenia.
Large List Desirable Locations Low Prices LIBERTY FINANCE 901 Harvey Building OR YOUR BROKER (133) Offices, Desk (133) Room OFFICE ROOMS for rent in GUARANTY BLDG. Good Location FRANK ANDERSON Rental Agent 300 Datura St. SUITE of two office rooms in most centrally located business building in city, $25 per month. H. P.
McGinley Realty opposite City Hall, Phone 6140. (135) Store Rooms For Rent (135) STORES FOR RENT We are agents for more than too retail store rooms In West Palm. Beach, maiir of which are la the heart of the nusi ness section of the city. We now have a few vacancies. Harry P.
MeGin'ey Realty Co. Phone (1140. Established more than 25 vears. (137) Palm Beach Rentals (137) 253 OLEANDER AVE. Apartment, near ocean, 3 bedrooms, fine linen silver, sunny rooms; garage; beauli 1 ii 1 lurnislungs low rental; owner on premises.
FOR RENT 2-room and bath. 222 Seminole Ave. Phone S0I0. FOR RENT 222 Everglades avenue Palm Beach, heautitully furnished house, three bedrooms, two baths, ga rage, $1500 February; immediate pos session; sliver, linen, mind. SINGLE, double mollis, small apart mollis, private baths, showers; over looking ocean; daily, weekly, season rentals.
123 Peruvian Ave. Phone 3073. FOR RENT Two large residences, completely furnished, reasonable for balance of season, 210 Brazilian Ave. or 200 Royal Palm Way. FOR RENT Desirable Palm Beach home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, 1 car garage, servants quarters.
To May 1st, $1,500. WAGG ORGANIZATION Room 10 Via Mizner Phone 2-0010 SEMINOLE 238 Two bedrooms, private baths, oceun exposure. Special rate, season. Also two-ear, garage, transient or season. Phouo 2-0410.
FOR RENT Garage apartment with Sluice for car. Near ocean. 232 Aus tralian Ave. Phone 5001. EXLl'SIVK apartments, completely lurnislied.
Hi Australian Ave. Phone 2-3143 for appointment. COMPLETELY furnished, small cot tage with garage, one block to ocean. Apply on premises, 220 Australian avenue. Tel.
2-20U3 or 0032. APARTMENTS for rent by the month or season, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch private entrance, garage. Apply 220 Australian avenue. Tel. 2-20O3 or 003: FOR RENT Furnished Palm Bench, twelve room cottage, four bedrooms, sleeping porch, two baths, 2-car garage, servants quarters, close to the ocean, reduced in price.
Offered by J. Dickoff, 220 Australian Ave. Tel. 2-2003. 5 DUNBAR ROAD 12 rooms with 2 car garage, beautifully landscaped, ll.i la i -i- season rental.
Owner on premises. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping apartment, hot and cold water, linen and silver. Priced low for season. 105' Peruvian Palm Reach. FURNISHED BEDROOM, KITCHEN PRIVILEGES.
EUREKA APT. NO. 3, 135 ROOT TRAIL. (138) Wanted-Rooms (138) Houses, Apartments COTTAGE iu Palm Bench Februurv 15 to March 15, Must have two master bedrooms with two baths and two servants rooms and garage. Box C3 No.
15, care Post. WANTED To rent 3 bedroom, furnish ed house, by the month; permanent resident. Must be reasonable. Write Box CI No. 5, care Post, giving price ami location.
Real Estate for Sale (141) Acreage (141) On waters beautiful Lake Worth, I'ily Palm Beach; riparian rights, 10 acres. Sell half or 20 lots 313 Northeast 24th street, Mi ami. FOR SALE 20 acres, mile north of Okeechobee highway, three miles west Trail. Cheap for quick sale. Drained.
Mrs. Caroline Powell, 170 Clay Rochester, Pn. FIVE acres fine garden laud, extra good for poultry. Just off Military House and garage.
Inquire Shipps Store. North Military Trail. (142) Income Property (142) INCOME Do you waul an income each mouth of the year? Would you invest in Apartment House iu fine condition, and rented to, good tenants that would pay for untitling in iu no alone iu less than II years. Business conditions in north compel this sacrifice. Address Owner, C3 No.
11. care Post. MUST sell down town income prop erty, 100 feet front, 4 rooms anu o- rooin cottage. Assessed valuation, $31 000. Will take eonsideriinie less.
Frank Adams, 429 Evernia St. Mi WOLF'S JUNK SHOP AND jp USED AUTO PARTS 1X1 UAtTruiuutfl ikUUU -UiTll We buy old cars, radiators, batteries, lirnss, copper, lenu, etc. we sell usea auto piwts good as new, at prac tieally your own price. MR. YOUNG, 1010 Alabama may call at the business office of the Post for a complimentary ticket to the Kettler Theatre.
LAKE WORTH JUNK SHOP Wanted scrap metal, radiators, batteries, copper, brass, aluminum and junk cars, tires and tubes; second hand pipe. We call for. M(J 14th Lake Worth. Phone 40 Professional (106) Dentists (106) DR. SANBORN Painless extraction, fillings, $1 up Plates as low as $12.50 Corner Clematis Dlxip.
I'h. 2-2G7 (108) Chiropodists (108) DR. L. J. DYRENFoitTll Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Room Sheen Bldg.
Clematis anil Olive, Upstairs Phone 2-0S0.