Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

I I -'4'--- ''4 16 PITTSBURG'. SUN-TELEGRAPH MONDAY, SEPT. 21, 19S9 Elizabeth Cinder Mrs. Edith Symons I Vincent Uric Sr. 1 Charles II.Loeffler Rquiem high mas will ervices Se ere held today for rvivea for Vincent Ursicl Services will be at 2 p.

m. ea sung for Mrs. Elizabeth Dasch Mrs. Edith SVMMIS, 5.1, of 5176 Sr. of 9S02 Clendale PA, Wednesday at IL Samson's, Margaret Morrison Squirl Penn Hills will he at 1 p.

Neville bach Cinder at 10 a. m.1 rel Iiill. Burial IAAS in Beth Wednesday from Stewart Eu-" for Charles Wednesday In St. A shalom Cemetery. raj linnw, 93t "Henry Loeffler, manager of Church, with burial in Calvary Mrs.

Symons died Saturday. pat Bin-i41 Will tin in Green Aliquippa office of Peoples Cemetery. She is survived by her hus. lawn Cemetery, Columbus, Natural Gas Co. Burial will be 0,1 She died esterd ay in her 'in band, Louis; one daughter, Mr.

'Ursic ay Allegheny Cemetery, ied Saturday in est ay. Mrs. Karl Kay Lewin; one son, Shadvside Ilaspital. eight hours 1 Mr. Loeffler died home at 8'10 NlacArthur 'Ile 'was the Aliquippa manager James ono sister, Mrs.

liar. atter a attack in his Mt. Lebanon. She was the old Pasekoff; two brothers, home. lie was eivil engineer for 20 years and was with the wife of William 1.

IL Cinder, Dr. Joseph R. and A. Robert for Manufacturers Light firm for 41 years. Ile for- i merly lived in Pittsburgh.

Simon and three grandchil- Heat Co. for 21 years. Pittsburgh district rnanager of I id en, lie was a member of Kni Surviving are two daugh ghts' Coal Ate Engineering of Pythias, Hebron Mrs. Suzanne Nan and Mrs. Mining Journal.

Ralph Thomas Walsh rian Church and past corn- E. J. Dean. Also surviving are two sons, Ralph Thomas NValsh, ViCe mander of Ilomewood Post 'president of Lowey Enterpris. No.

351, American Legion. Le. Ensign William II. IL and Bi sop Brady Dies Jr. es David three daughters, Ail died yesterday at gion services will be at 7 p.

m. BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP.) tomorrow. Mary Louise ArcMahon, Ane Mr. Walsh, 53, was a former 1 Survivin are his wife Viv.

--The Most Rev. Matthew F. Mary Louise Da hb and and Patricia Lynn; two sisters, sur a ce Ian Collinstirsie; one son Vin. seac DD, bishop of Man Aiworttstrnont) I A4otrtlitmer 1 Shrinks 'Hemorrhoids New Way Without Surgery Stops ItchRelieves' Pain DEATHS Marvin G. Peters, Billboard Artist bach Cinder at 10 a.

het Hill. Burial IN a in Beth Wednesday ednesday In St. A shalom Cemetery. I etc I) Church, with burial in Calvary Mrs, Symons died Saturday. She is survived by her hus Cemetery.

band, Louis; one daughter, Site died yesterday In her Mrs. Karl Kay Lewin; one son, home at RIO NlacArthur Dr James one sister, Mrs. liar. Mt. Lebanon.

She was the old Pasekorf; two brothers, m. tomorrow for Marvin C. wife of William H. IL Cinder, Dr. Joseph R.

and A. Robert 1 outdoor sign painters, firm Pittsburgh district rnanager of Simon and three grandchil. ome, Mt. Royal Glen- Coal At Engineering ('fly County Memorial Park. Ralph Thoma 4 Walsh Mining Journal.

Also surviving are two sons, Ralph Thomas NValsh, vice of poster advertising at Buhl president of Lowry Enterpris lEnsign William H. H. Jr. and Planetarium. es died yesterday at I David three daughters, Mrs, Surviving are a daughter, li at Louise ArcMahon, Ane Greensburg.

Mr Walsh, 53, was a former Mrs. Ellenrosan Grosick; Iwo and Patricia Lynn; two sisters, i a nee sons, Kenneth M. and Paul IMary Louise Daschbach and Jane ODonnell; and two One brother, Albert. and Surviving are his wife, Alice men P. brothers, A.

F. and Harry J. nearing three sisters, two sons, Holammann, Mrs. Ursula Friends are being received 1 RaInh Jr. and Edward: On 11 New York.

N. Y. (Special) For the first time science has found a 11PW healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids, stop itching, and relieve pain without surgery. In one hemorrhoid case after improvement" was reported and verified by doctors observations. Pain was relieved promptly.

And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of all this improvement was maintained in eases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results Nvere so thorough that sufferers were able to make such astonishing statements have ceased tole a problem!" And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid comfit' some of 10 to 20 years' st andin, All this, without the use of narcotics, anesthetics or astringents of any kind. The secret is 7 a new healing substance Rio-Dyne') the discovery of a- world-famous research institution. Already, Rio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue On all parts of the body. This new healing substance Is offered in suppositnry or nit.

form called Preparatian H. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation suppositories or Preparation It ointment with special applicator. Preparation 11 is sold at 'r all drug counters. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ttoe O.

Services will be at 2 p. im tomorrow for Marvin C. Peters, 80, head of Pittsburgh outdoor sign painters, firm McIntyre Neely Funeral Home, Mt. Royal Glen-thaw. Burial will he in Allegheny County Memorial Park.

Mr. Peters retired ten years ago as had designer of Pitts- of poster advertising at Buhl burgh Outdoor Advertising Co. Planetarium. He died Saturday at his home. ng 4296 Mt.

Royal Allison are a daughter, Park. Mrs. Ellenrosan Grosiek; two Ile was desigfier of the sons, Kenneth M. and Paul the bilge Wrigley sign in Times One brother, Albert and Sq. in New York City; the three sisters, Mrs.

Helen P. three-dimension beer sign at liolatnmann, Mrs. Ursula E. Sixth Ave. and Grant St.

sevi Peters and Mrs. Evelyn P. era! ago and a history Sheerin. cent Jr. of Swissvale; daughter, Mrs.

Fern Leos of 'chester, N. IL, died of a heart Las Vegas, one brother, attack last night. Ile was 66. Rudy of New Kensington; onellilho spiritual loader of Now Holammann, Mrs. Ursula E.I Friends are being received 'Ralph Jr.

and Edward; one Rudy of New Kensington; on 1 le spit' ual leader of New Peters and Mrs. Evelyn P. at E. B. Laughlin Funeral 'daughter, Mary, and two broth-I sister, Mrs.

Mary Sivev of 208.000 Roman Sheerin. tome, 3310 West Liberty Ave. lets, Edward and Mason. Muss', and two grandchildren.lCatholics, collapsed in a hotel. A DEATH NOTICES A DEATH NOTICES A DEATH NOTICES In color in Sunday's Sun-Telegraph comics SMITTY IC LOYAL, A 54071, MFiTo W10 o0F5xre 6M ITN 13FENI W171-1 SAM VILIFFLLIFF.r.

I -r, as 1 04 "THAT SAAU-5 Wkrki 14146 "IP a FOR YAR6. 1 SAY, YOU Via- 13Y.1 SAM 1,0146 TIME! 1 kAvflo5Egs 5744.4' 'aP! LOYAL-, FAITH PUIforryi 13FENI WITH SAM W-10 00F5xle SAA L5 Wkrki -Thigr AAMgr You IN AM 6or 71.1E SAM tc-ig! BOY! YttiCLj'iNt 4V4 le fl PITTSBURGH SUN-TELEGRAPH IDaily and Sunday) TELEGRAPH SQUARE PITTSBURGH 30, PA. WANT-AD RATES and INFORMATION COUNTER SERVICE Daily 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sundays 9 A.M.

to 11 P.M. Phone to GRANT 15400 11 -1 WU 1 i cl; SI fr- 2 Cr 4.04 I ,1 J7 ill r-, i isski 0. It 4 00 4 12,,,, I 1.. :1,9,1, VI ci-, I ,41 (' I I 1 i r'''t s) ,,,4 ---r a s'i, I Itarat-lueogionnaludi A 1 .1001 a-47, Ft PERSONAL WANTAOS 2 Line, 4 rmyg. 2 LIM 4 S1 3 ttnrs, 4 DEVI, I 4 4 Mtn WORD RATES Palle pionlag Per Per Word Word limes, Per Inaertion 812e 7 I3 limec fler insertion -ge a1e a Times, Per Insertion Me 9 I ee I Time.

Per losetlion 10e 1114c 10 WORD RON11111 CHARGL When other than the it word in an ad, ernsem*nt is let in Agate eRpg Or type tal ger than agate 111 Pd. or when the total awe (Irrupted is mnre than one inch 114 AgAte lines rhatget will he rnmtnitel on the Moot of the actual agate line space orropiert And the line rates published below Wilt prevail. R. end 111me Ineertions Mast Se Consecutive I SITUATIONS WANTED de Per Word Per Dee Miromum Charge, 13 Word881.1:110' Want-Ads Aerpted until a. at.

Friday. SUNDAY WANTADS Attepted Until 6 p. m. Friday Daily Irani Ads Must Be Placed the Day Before the Day of Publication, Except. it'll Help IT anted, Lost and Found and Death IVotices LINE RATES Dilit Stinlity Sentiov Pe tiorlis DisLins Pitt 111Y 7 1mtl.

Pet 3lis 42e 50e a 7 Imes Per limert1Pn 41e 4 .4 534 Timm, Ptt I witting 4 ie S4c 621 1 1 imt. Per instrion 39 66e 741 2 Agate Lines Minimum Charge In number of Poet count 5 words per agate lin, Ilndisplayeri Classified advertising not more than one conic wide In whydd type only la used. Display Classified Is adveritsir In snitch ruts and boiners are u5ed or ad width is more than one Cifilit111. All Classified Advertng appearing either daily or Sunday on PgRes rontaining news will be charged It 3 cents per agate lino above the regular insertion rates shown. 11, 4 and 7-T1'0E INSERTIONS 'HES? BE CONSECLIIVE Contract rates upon request To Place a Want-Ad Phone Bent 15400 A DEATH NOTICES 1rrrt atiddenly nn Sunday, Sept, 2n, 19)9.

of trtne Oretnal, Allen of 55a4 Plondit Bethel Park. Pa lather of Bettr Alien and alra. James Bradt of Helots, Itl, IttrienoN treeeited Rt the Barger Funeral Borne, 5120 V. Uhrary Me, at. 2leata Bethel ra Vit.

Services Wednesday afternoon at 2 nclork. receiked Rt the firtrger Funeral pomp, S120 W. Me, At Mesta Bethel Pais. Services Wecinesdav afternoon at 2 0 clock. 102 LEGAL NOTICES 'nest from the Mk dayof Or totter.

WO, at the rate of Four Arid ha 4 per cent urn per annum. pay stile Semi is nntially on the fii st day of the moo ths of April and rictotuir Orr'Ohd yw7lire hdoutri mIstru erll'canti order A rut he paid as follows. Bonds Nos. 1 to 10, both Inclusive, S10.000. Octobet 1st, 1960.

Bonds Nos, 1 I to 20, both Inclusive, $10.0110, October 1st. 1961, Bonds Nos, 21 to 30, both inelOSive, $10,000, October 1st, 1981. Bonds Nos, 31 to 4 eu it InClusisie, $1 0.000, Oclohee 1st, 1901. Bonds Nos, 4 1 to NO, troth inclusive. $10,0011, Ocioher 1st.

1964. Ronda Nos, 51 to 60, but $10.000, October 1st. 1965. Bonds Nos. 61 to 70, both Inclusive.

810,000. October 1st, 1968, Bonds Nos, 71 to 60, both inclusive. I Otter 1st, 1987. Bonds Nos. A I to 90, hat inclOsive.

310.000, October 1st, 1968. Bonds Ni. 91 to 100, both Mehlsive, 510.000, October 1st, 1969. Bonds Nes. 101 to 110.

both live. 810,000, October 1st, 1970. Bonds Now 11 1 to 120. both InchlSive. 9 10.000, October 1st, 1971.

Bonds Nos. 121 to 130. both inclusive. 610.000, October ist. 1972.

Bonds No. 131 to 140. both thrillsive, I 0.000, October 1st, 1973. Bonds eins. 141 to 150, both vetoSive.

810,000, October 1st, 1974, Th bonds nilinilered limn 1 to At) InclUslye, stroll be the bonds to be issued to turd unfunded Indebtedness. The principol and interest of in honds shall be pri yo hie oh Mellon Nit-Donal Ronk sod Trust Corot-only, Brad-fork Office. Brodclock, Pennsylvania, witholit deduction for Any taxes, except gift. AticeerifilOn and inheritance tilyea. which may he levied or assessed thereon Or on the debt seeured thereby plirsinint to any present or future low of the Commonwealth of PetillariVallia.

ill of which to zoo the school Distriet of the Borough of North Braddock Asvimes And agrees to Pay as the some moo be from time to time assessed thereon, Section 1. Thp period of usefulness of the Improvemepts for which a portion of the sold bona to to be Issued to 9 fteen yes ra. I Section 4. The cud bondi are declared to he general obligat tons or the School District of the Bormigh nr North Braddock for which the said School District shall pledge Ito full faith and credit. Section 5, ThIS Section containg the form of the bond and coupon.

Section 8. The said bonds shall he executed in the name and under the corporate seal of the School District by the President of the Board of schoot Directors attested by the SeererlarY and eountelligned by the Treesurec, and the interest coupons shalt be 'authenticated by the facsimile signature or the Treasurer. The Treasurer is hereby. authorized And directed to deliver said bonds to the purchaser and receive payment therefor on behalf of the School District after sale of the bonds in the manner required by law'. provided.

bower er, that said bonds shall not be sold for lesS than their par Vs lue with arm tied interest to the date of delivery a rid payment. Sect ton 7, There Is hereby levied and asossed upon all persons And property subieet to to for School purposes an Annus tax in each of the follownig rival years of so many mills es will yield amounts sufficient for the payment from tune to time of interest covenanted to be paid on said hoods and the principal thereof at maturity, For the year 1960 $19.8 24.20 For the year 1981... 15,906.10 For tile year 1902 15.468.50 Tor the year 1961.. 15,031.30 fir the year 1964 14.591.60 For the yesr 1965... 14,156 30 For the year 1968...

11.718.80 For the year 1 O67 11.261.30 For the year 1988 12.841.14 For the year 1989.. 12.468.10 For Cie year 1070... 11,958 60 For year 1971... 11.531 10 For the year 1972 11.o91 80 For the year 1971... 10.656.10 For the veer 1974 10 218.80 whir hi are sir! ficient for and shall in.

applied exclusively to said debt ISel vice charges OS I he some shall from time to time become du And Payable. The collection of said tax shall commence with the n.At oesr, ibeginninf 1900 being tire first fiscal following the Issue or said bonds. See? ion P. There IS her thy established a sinking fund for the psyment of the hoods hereby a atheri7ed. said hind to he known as stoking' Fund No.

3, All moneys reall.rett from the I aw' herebY levied silo lb be nerd Into the sinking fund hereby created as collected, end shall he spoiled Fively to 1 he payment of the prinetpsi of spirt bonds at mattirit And interest end taxes thereon meanwhile. to which iiiirnose they at a hereby Irrevocably pledged. Section fa. There is hereby spore-frosted from the general funds of the school District tile ail of Three l'housond Two Doodled Fights, and 50 no Dolls rs i 1,260,50 far the purpose of meet in I he requirements of hot Utile or hoods for Interest rending the collection of the tan for hat purpose And such amount so A onrom toted and used shall be repaid mit of the or the tax collected ft. first year after the issue of said bonds.

Section In, Ali Moneys derived from the sole of sold bonds ore hereby sporoprin led to the purposes stated and shalt not be used for any other purpose. Section 11. It to lierehe declared lhat the debt to be incurred together with the existing net debt of the School DIV net is not in excess of one eonstitlit ions' or statutory torn stud rite Pi minima of he Boord of School Director's alit! Secretary Are hereby silt horif ert end directed to pre-no re, veil( And Me wit the Clerk of 11 he Court of Qua rter sessions of All, rhino Counts, the at Cement required bo the di of A A Koncert June 1941 150, a rd iro do sod perform her arts proper In connection therewith. SeiIloel 17. All retool Ions or pa rl5 of resolutions not in Accord with this resolution Are heretie in so far as they conflict beret ill thri 1710 day of September, 1959, T.ICIITNEP Presulent of the ling rd of Schoot Directors.

A tcst Flit Mir) S. scret a ry Aliquippa, husband of Laura Z. Loeffler: fa ther of Mr RUntone Nan of Aliquippa. and Mrs. Dead of 8ew kr 14 ley: brother of iiiho mot of Pah, survived also by two aranriciattant era Patricia and Barbara Dean.

Pnends received at H. liamson 537 Neville St. lOakiond Civic Ceti ter is here services will be held Wednesday fl ernoort at 2 ri olock. In Iiu of flowers eon tribut lona may be made to the fleart Fund. Me UG ti Rena, nn Saturday, Sept.

19, 1959, formerly of 4fi15 Pilmore Rt. Friends will received at ale New A. reyvogel Funeral Home, 4901.1 ler Poe. at Devonshire from 2-4 m. and 7-9 Funeral on Tuesday M011111111 Nigh mass of requiem in St, Paul's Carhedial ILL 9 o'clock.

Martin, on Friday, Sept. IR, at the Hospital, of Cuddy, husband of Agnes Mickunas; father of Mrs. Anne Palmer and John Mick line. Mrs. Mildred Demi, Mra.

Martha Leyda. Mrs. Estelle Liberty; sin grandchildrn: ix great-grandchildren. Friends received at the Lavelle Funeral Home, 432 Washington Bridgeville, TUPRciny, Sept. 22, at 9:15 a.

in. Solemn terinteni high MIMI it Bt. Anthony's Church at 10 a. tn. Hiram of 144 Morningside Wlimerding.

Pa. (formerly of Pitcairnl, husband of the iftiP Daisy Elizabeth (nee Burke falher of Miss Nora Miller, Mrs, Courtinay litirky. Mrs Sara Lyons, William R. and Robert B. Miller; also 15 and Aix great-grandhildren.

Friends received at the Pear( Son Funeral Home, Pitcairn, where Aervieea Will be held Wednesday at 2 ORSINI Velma. on Sunday, Sept. 20. 1959. (If 10 Sycamore St wile of John A.

Orsini: mother of John Michael And Michael Anthony: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Coscarelli; Inster of Mrs. Gilds. Raraffa, Mrs, Itoretta Schwab and Capt.

Donald Coscarelli; granddaughter of Mrs. Hose e. Frianda received at the Bruno Funeral Home, 214 Virginia Mt. Washington. Solenm high mass In St.

Mary of the Mount Church on Thursday at 9 a. PAAPE Anna Martha Heckert, nf 7113 Ford-ham Brookline, on Saturday, Sept. ID. 1969; belosed wife of Otto Paape; Win' of Gloria Griffin: foster of William. Earl end Alfred Heckert.

Fnenda may call at the Frank F. ftc Bor Funeral Home. 10b5 Brookline Blvd Where aervices wilt be held Tuesday itt 2 PI.TIRS Marvin September 19, IVA, of Claa Mt. Royal Allison Park, husband of the late Isa V. Peters; father of Mrs.

El lenrosan P. Grosick, Kenneth and Paul D. Peters aiandfalher at Mrs. Ann P. Spade, Mrs.

Lais P. Wolfe, Nancy, and Cheryl Orasick: great-grandfather of Wendy and Heidi Wolfe. Friends and members of Associated Allsta of PIttsburith received from 2-4 and -10 p. m. at McIntyre and Neely Funeral Home.

Mt. Royal Olenshaw. Services Tuesday at 2 p. m. PFISTER Margaret Iltrutseher.

on Sept, O. of 32 Short Etna. Pa Ile Of Conrad PliMerl Plep-mrobftr nf William. Norman and Rog Pfl, ter. Friends received at Ogrorinik Funeral Some, 333 Butler EITIR Pechliem high mass at All Sants Church, Etna on Wednesday at 10 R.

RF MARK Jerome A on Sunday. Sent. O. 1939, of 3304 Regon beloved husband of Ann Meehan Remark, father of Mrs. Mary Doran and John A.

Remaik: also Iwo grandchildren. Friends received the John Slater Soria, Whitehall Fueral Horne, 4111 Scownsvi le Brenta nod. Funeral Wednesday Illatning 8 30. Requiem masa at Slyi.eater's 11. C.

Church at 9 a. WRVS SMurday, September 19. 1959. Fdaiard husband of Elizabeth usseimann, of ala Calif. rather of Howard P.

Richey and Elia Mae Feochalk: brother of Frank Richey of Detroit. Mich also survived by three grandebil4cen. Funeral from the Rov Smith Funeral Home. 1615 ariahton Rd on Wednesday at a 15 a. nit.

Reginem high matte et St. Andrew a Church at 9 I. m. Frinds invited SADDI.1-is Char lea A nn Saturday. Sent.

111. MO. of Vila Juniata hinmand of Florence Flurry Saddler; bentber of William H. of Ohio and John A. of Adrian.

Pa. Funeral servicea at the James 1.nwrie Memorial Ifnme. 14n7 Chateau St. at. PPlingylVIITIIII.

Ave. on Wertnetday at 1 p. rn. Friends and of Mancheaier Post tan American Invited. Interment Annan, Pa.

on Sliturrifty, S.M. 19 IPA W1- 11Firn of I Brown St of Anton and Finial hrolher of Anthntiv J. mnd Nirx Anna Tsnk. gt tilt. Printer Pomp.

512 rant Millysie. from in 4 end 7 te 10 p. m. Bervice4 on LI I 0 p. M.

ough, former, of Weal End, beloved hasnand kilitaneth Pokorny Proirnier, lather of Raymond A. nod Eimer J. Fournier, brother of Gettriide, MFA. I Burke, and Palph lit Fournier. Frienda reclined at ihei John H.

Slater Fiona. Whitehall Funeral Home, 41411 Bmwnsvine Brentwood from 2-4 and 1.9 111, Iiiinerat Tuesday ruornitia at 19 Admit. Rrq111011 MaSS In St, Flizabeth's E. C. Church at.

9 cristock. FUCHS WItham on Saturday, Sept. lb, Mg. age 76 years, of 17 SYRrimaJn htignand of the Margaret Siust Fuobs; lather of Vargaret fluffing, Dolores Rtooell, and Donald a'so 15 grandchildren and lour great-grandchildien: brother of Anna hoedding, Mary Monty, and uu ord. Friends and Slemhers of oly Name Society ol St.

Church IIISS CRII St the WIium FlIrt Funeral Home, 704 Pd. at Mies St Funeral Wednesday at 0 a. m. Sonnen requiem hlah In St. Mtchael'a Church at 10 In.

on Saturday, Sept. 19, 1959, at 7.45 a. J. laird Gillespie, husnand of the late Sue Bullock Gillespie, of 060 Jackson S. father of aim Kenneth C.

Milliken, Mra John A. RUnaldue, Edward L. and William IL Gillespie. Friends re elver) at, 11. Samson'a 537 Neville St.

(Oakland Civic Center). from 7 m. Saturday Until time or service Monday afternoon it 4 o'clock. Interment private. in Mace nf tiowerS contribution') to Pennsylvania, School fnr Blind Children will be appreciated.

(ANDI Flizaorth Daschhach, of 949 MacArthur Drive, Mt hehanon, on Sunday. Sept. 20. at 1.15 a. helmed wile of William H.

Cinder; mother of Ensign William H. Mrs. Mary 111111Se McMahon, Daail, Anne and Patricia Lynn. and sister MA. F.

Paschhach, Mary Louise, Harry J. and Mrs. Jane 0 Donnell. Friends received at the Pl S. Laughlin Funeral Home, 3310 W.

Liberty So. Hills, until Wednesday, 23, at, 9 a. m. Retitlielll high MISS In St. Anna R.

C. Chinch Itt 10 a. m. Visitations 2-4 snd 1-9 or. thong Island.

New York, papers please copy.) tiliAsifP4TAFF Fit7Inigh Lee, beloved husband of Sarah A. Klages Grandstaff. of 2912 Witishire St N. S. on ritrin dRy, Sept.

21, 1259: father of Mrs. Or A. Etter, Victor L. George F. William C.

Walter nd Kenneth brother of Nita Bructe Barrier Friends may call at Brien's, 27114 California at, Cooper N. S. Nornie of funeral later. arren on mominy, Sept. 21, 19,9.

Aged 63, of 2435 rode lit betmed busbRnd Or WI IMO. KiliZ HRnson and brother of RRIph C. liftnson. FriendI are being retteived Rt BPITIllatter Mortuary, 2630 W. Liberty starttng TuesdRy, 12 TICKM.

Nntice of Funeral later. HHIRERT Mamie. on Sunday morning Sept. beloved wile nt plirosa Herbert mother of Mrs. Diwy tones Duccan of 7rti Pare At Fr'enits received at thP residence, a34 Anaheim where aervices will he held on Wednesday, Sept.

1Il9, at 1 al. Rev. IL FL Tolliter of tmating HI 111131 nu. Foul. on Seturdse, Sent.

19. 1959, of North hushend of thP fete rernime Hoftnenn fierzhere, father of etre Esther Mowry, Arthur, Edward end Cothert, Herzberg. brother ArillaiHerZbtrg: In 00 grand ehArrn end tour endchtldren. Funeral trnm the Home of Sche IthPes Az. Son, 107 East N.

S. on Tuesday et, 30 nt. Priende invtted. Family rennetg vlsoalionq from 2-4 and 7-I). (Please niq finlA Ace Slihts le.

la ter. Karl Kay Lewin of Ilgh. and James I. Among of Eau Caine. Fla xis-ter of MIL Harold Pasekoff, Dr.

Joseph R. Simon, both of Pah. and a Robert SinInn of los Anaelea also 3 erandchildren. Serv Ices at the Ralph Schugar Chapel. 5309 Center on Monday ar I p.

Interment Beth Shalom Cemetery. AYOR lallten, of 601 Rroad Se ic kl on Sunday, Rept, 20. RUSIN' of Mra. Sarah Jane Datdoon, M. 8 Reno, Mrs.

Edith Warner Frond a may call at, the family realdence. where aervices will be held on Wednesday at 3 m. Arranaements by Copeland Funeral Home, Coraopolla. URSIC Vincent Suddenly, nn Ssturday. Spot, 19, laaq, of fIRO2 filendsle Penn Hills, heloved husband of Mrs.

Vivian oCollinsi If raw; father of Vincent Jr. of Swissvale. Mrs. Fern Lees of Las Vegas. Neuicia: brother of Rudy of New Kensington.

Mrs Mary Sivey of Muse, Also survived by two grandchildren. Friends received Rt the Stewart Funeral Home, gilt Frankatown Rd. at Graham BlviU, Penn Hills. Family requests visitations 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 M. Leginn services will be held Tuesday at, p.

m. Funeral Viet will be held Wednesday st I p. WIth Inierment Greenlswn Cemetery. WITIII Josephine Dunlap, on Sunday, Sept. 20, Igqi, wife of the late A.

Wither. formerly of 324 Thorn Sewickley: mother of Marion Foster of Freedom, James Withee. R. D. No, 3.

Coraopolis: Helen Elizabeth iSettvi With ee of Bellevue, also survied by four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. may call at the Gray-Cole Funeral HOMP. 32R Rea-PT St 3ewirklev. where aervice, will he held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. WRIGHT Florence E.

Calvin. On FridaY. Sept 18, 19S9, of KIS PennWond Churchill Valley. widow of Maurice C. Wright; mother of Roy of Shedysicie.

Joules of Wilkins-burg and Russell of Penn Hills: also 15 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Femily will receive friends at lho Wolfe Memorial. 925 Franklin Ave. at CORI Wilkinsburg. from 2-5 end 7-9 P.

In. Services on Tuesday at 2 VOUNI; Edith Porter, at Clearwater, rn on Saturday, Sept. 19, 1169: wife of the late Fianmel C. Young. for-merle of Glen Willard.

Pa motlier of Ezra P. Young. international commit tee. Y. M.

C. A In Europe: sister of Mrs. Harry Swearinger ot Steubenville. Miss Jeannette I. Porter.

Dundein, and William E. Porter, TRCOMa. Wash RISO titirvivrd by two grandchildren. The family will receive their friends between the hour a of 11-10 m. on Tuesday in the Dray-Dole Funeral Home, 3211 Beaver Sewickley, where aervices will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

TURBO Michael, of 1513 Terrace Braddock. beloved fat her or Michael Jr Stephen. Albert and Jogeph Vurko; brother of Airs Anna Alitorv. Mtsi Mary Yurlo Joaph, Charlea. Martin and Albert Yurko.

Frienda received at the Leyko Funeral Home. Bell JAT1Pg N. Braddock. Requiem Nell la St. HPIPrig R.

Church on Tuesday. Sept. 22 at 9 311 a. ni Katherine, On Sunday, Sel)t. 20, 1959.

of 345 (rant Wall. Pa beloved mother nf Mrs. Mary Nebel Mrs. Miller. Nicholas and nnIPL Zdielar.

Mrs Anna laGeorga, Mrs. Dorothy Kurnik. N4rs NnTrIllt Nuckina, Mrs. Shirley Daur YSIer nf Mrs. Aanes Bohan and Mrg.

AMIR Jaras; In 25 grandchildren. Friends TerPIVN1 Rt 1hr Alfieri rn neeal Hnrne 11 1 Stale Vi1tnerding. Pa. Servircs St. NichnlaS Sorhinn Ortlinclox Church on Wednesday at 1 p.

Fnende invIted. Josephine. cm Sunda. Rent. 2(1 of John Zulawskt, nt 2015 Oregon, St.

'ter of William Walker and Veronica Zarnda. Friends and inembera of Cm. fraternity of the PARsto)n rereived ist. Charles C. Cleiilak FIMPTR1 Hr)rle.

R1 Sn 15th St. Funeral WPrinRdRv at 9 a yr. Snlemn hith mass at St. Adalbert'a Church at 10 1 m. FLORISTS MA.

e.IDAQ Spray SK 14300 ul Baskets aa fThe flegt lof Ifirmerg' BIN 1 20 Fifth Am fig 1-2200 CEMETERY LOTS Alice Co Mem 3 choice Intl. FA I -A Ine ler? Mem 4 grAve lot bArg WI I -Anil Jet Mem, choice 2 gr. itgc, LE I-4 I I PERSONALS A1ITNT1074 Club ProsidentS. Flroort rhshmsn, Or. For 1.1,'W NMI a Iiint ideR phnne ston 74 coliKt Our reprrients tivrt trs torrt to show how to msk from 5 to 2 100 twtoto rIst Come home.

SIINDIMME (1111 Oki, (-ARE t'Vei FUR Motiva I KInd.Irtpt I977P1 )tohhylc Gtold PIrtureg el, Firth Churches-Clubs-Organizations NIA tta I for onla artt (.11.1 thAt WIN rcl Cargo I Candy. MU. 1-1 2 83. 8 to 4 10 'I NE NM OF CIARMP11 M))) ii Isittoan Illtottalotot tip ttril 1,41,11 yott ant mull-Winn, call Giant I -8400. 6 FEMALE HELP WANTED LADIES---Show fine china evenings, part halary plus commission, Moat have ear.

For interview calf (Intern 3-1097 FOUR N.t eopearine la Mee. Do went th make ronnor Full or IsR me. Highest commisstnne. Nn Imettment. Phone Plettihrhok 1 nr t3rtitt more 3-31 Se rah ry Inc, LADIES PART TIME We have immediate: openings in our Telephone Sales Staff for: Housewives Employed Women Recent High School Graduates College Students Women who not satisfied with their presAt job and desire a change.

Women who would Itke to supplement their preserit income. qualifications A Pleasant Personality A Pleasing Voice Gumption The Capacity to Learn 11,, I. intotesting work in pleasant surroundinzs lours arranged to fit your schedule when possthie. Good earnings on liberal cnirmtssinn baa'a. For Personal Interview ATIantic 1-2021 MR.

OLNEY MODELS NeededFunion ot grape Part time. SD) regtatraffnd tee: refunded It not qualified. Lapel, fen, not neersamy. This I. not charm school or modeling achnoL floury 0-9 Mutt bring untelourhed anamihnt.

Plata Bldg. Of flea 705, 530 Fifth Ave CO 1-3140. NURSE AnesInetir south side NAL EUellent pmonnel DOIICiel. 1-3100, Ext. 204 sFitir ETAR It for largo Jkwish fond raiiiing rind philanthiopie organization.

ItokrionMOle Nth ion, exnellent workir, 1 conditions, eknorionok nooessary. Mimium L.S000. Mr. Wriikherg Index! Den't delay! AVON Christines gta tn next Ft, feu tturtee stal available. Cell rrt 1 Comm.

---se STPNOGRAPIIPRS Temnorkte. suc'e nerlenred, Must be ahle to, take dice teIon. BAILEY CO. GRANT 1-92v1 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Work florn your own home. Gukrkh sklery.

Nue bonun kluM he exporinnced. Phone Hnumf of Marhet, EM I -A4 ne. Mr Yeliv. UNUSUAL WOMAN nn weekly enmcccton yea 21. entstandme DftrnriAlltV arrl anocaranCe.

FOr tInkiton Eat ccentlai tipittri.Pd arIcancemcnt. Immttor Af fine china Ina InIcrciew call LE I-2434 roie 5 AIRLINES A Career In The Sy Fr-at THE AMERICAN GIRL Wn 1114 vnu Ilk. tin xrilint Impore .1 rewArtlint p*rnion with, Americo' LeAdinr mit! (polity A. gn ANIETIIL AN AIRLINE. STEWATIPE- If you are: I tral.2n or over I ON to ils ponnelt In proportion to height IIA.e At leAgt 2n fl VIPTI wIIflnti CnrreCt IVO lon.pg No nuroint brkirnun4 0 noro.mtry Premium pity for Swish SpeAkors Selertrol ladieg III nu-nnent trAtninp Al Corommy evrorrow AMERICAN heAutiliil SlenArne.A college Ann NAllry S2 An per moot re hit PPfi in 12 mAlori WM.

from to tog Arpolegi Anil Son Fromoorm, In Ffftent et Hotel Penn.Shet Atop semi 2 2881, In p. m. NO CALLS Amr.ricAn Inc. WAITRESS (nor 21. rU exvor, en'.

Gnort pay. iv-A tipi. Frirett 4 6-A DOMESTIC HELP WANTED PI4Efor blind 11.14n7 nlr.e onAllment. hr houSe work, FL'. 1-227, Er.

cbli dron. no lAund-y, PhiiRdolnh)n. 1,) 1A 9 SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE Apart rnent eilAtodlAn, JAM Or nr d.jYd, rettred men. LO 1 RCS 111)YInqh wAh Inc Iefl p4 YOUng man. aunt 1 1726.

cies ord. hauhnr, FN)frig anl detheri. RealOnablt. I .7,1 1 ri Ty 1 gill kkA 1-i Al 1 1 poi pp Wb, nr tru, 1rikM2 2017,0 HA 1,3421. InswAll, ini 2 P0101 SPI 0, pat50(10 C011tp 0 0- 402.

1-inSPIT Ai, 4 vows ex AT 1.4337 CE 'OP I volz wk. IA'hltnry 1Vntrni rnAn IA WAR WnIA Ili Any kali. mmo WiNTrn MALE HELP WANTED 2 MALE HELP WANTED MR. EMPLOYER you HAVE THE JOBS WE HAVE THE WORKERS START A SUN. TELE HELP WANTED AD NOW CALL GRANT 1-5400 SALESMEN Home Improvements To the men teleeled we alit tornIth leads and accommodate autt re at II.

commission or prottt sharing Apply Mr. KPliy, HOLINI of Mattel. 8227 Penn 10 a. p. SALESMAN-SPECIALTY llottrat enulpment Item on market today.

steam cleaners, bond for I 50 to $300 A week. Ph. And surrrundint miffing! No Ave limit: must have ear commtsqinn Write to 690 Summerville VrIa. I I 6 1. Pa.

STOCK Room Clerks and Stake Shoe Bonders, pe manent only. Warner Elect lie Cot 4900 Baum IA 1.7760. SUPEPVISOR Full or part time praltion open for ensnaRing flIflK men on lost rout prefer teachers. es-firemen. Or anyone with time on their hands In the early Frye, tenets not necessary am we train you for this position.

For interview phone Mr. MOore CO. 1-4443 TRAFFIC RATE CLERK Most be experleneed to MAI FCMCA Anti CSMFE teritte To work in ccnerkt WIN. of incal common Cat rier. 4II Eixtereon 2-1000, Ext.

207, Mt. Rtornhere. WANTED Manufacturer's aI tn renresent mnlirnble inundrv In Welt. ern PennAylvania. Box W-478.

Sun 4 AGENTS AND SOLICITORS OrgemizationsAgcnts Rano. funds sollInt Arnerical fineat ehneolate, No Hobart 6- I nO write 12kikane Candy Pt TP ADE In ValueOur money your effort. 9 hnue day. 2 day week pays Vol $105 weekly plus expenaes HA. I 11,71 6 FEMALE HELP WANTED IIEAPTICJA NEynoPT tired, With fol.

lowing, 11E. 1 -5975; FL 14122S, CARHOPS chw 21, Nleht turn AnnIt It Delneg I. 7763 McKnight Rd. Danoing tap. toe and Sa urdav trrnoorts 1-4 at the Anna la Heldman Community Center.

ran 1.0)1:-2n for appointment A4 for Min; Bullock. HEAD NURSENURSERY Direetne of St, Clair Mu mortal Hospital. LO 1-4900, Ext. 2 .19. Do you need extra money? We need women over 21 to run spe cid survey insurance contact work for us in homes.

Pay good, salary basis. Chance for permanency if IOU like. Women needed now. Please contact me at HO 2.7502 between 9 a. ta.

and 9 0. VP LAR Teehn rot blood bank Some toolonral barkzround de. aira hI MCKInney, MU. 2 I 715 MAI HELP WANTED For thc Balance of 1959 And Years to Come Will You Be Gettinq Ahead OR Just Gettin9 By? 12 MEN No Espetience Necessart If you a nat honta amholona, Ir1 to aa, fl'Ilt nor day a 1 cArtnral unit rmnany WiiIh II ittinnkipcing a mw eliprin 1)011 You will have year 'round work with firm that has never had strikes or layoffs in 31 years. You will be selected for your part through proven successful JOB APTITUDE TEST 1,0,101 wilt I elj you Anal ti If yon Alolah)e tour molly posalons m.4 IMMEDIATELY nd Ivo Apply Unipflvohir An VP Pr .110 a 01 hp Al out It mu clan Co on $104 SO to $156 50 virtic fr tli fTi Ihrpo on 1111, pAvroP rash Ad- fa P.11.41 NiSiS, yOU tilAY the Anniv rervalne OM, SI-rt.

22 1101 Forbes St. In A AA rnomrri.y III SKINT Bessie Hogan, suddenly. on Sundsy, Sept. 20. 19,0.

of 3t11 So. Perk East Ptttshutph; wile of Hugh HeS kin: mother of Patrick Hogan. and MLAsu sler of Euzh Hognn, Wirla Moore Raipn of 245 Pprhelle 1Inost- and Mary Geyer. IflP, on SundRst. Sept 20, in 200 Linden Ave Fast In11 year.

beloved husonod Ptttshurgh, P. Requiem high mos ThIda C. Stllez FiCtish father of I In St. alum a on Wednesday at Futuna Thome, Reroute Mt in Lida C. FHlez father of Fo lint Thome, Bern 2 MALE HELP WANTED AUTO Salesman.

must he eallellenced permanent position. Salary and cornMIS.1(In open. Apply CONSTANTIN MOTORS, 6314 Sol hes Ave. at Shady. CANVASSERS frarierieneed, to solicit tor healing and home improvements, Vert ly drawing account, Apply Mr.

Kelly, 'Howie of Mutat. 8227 Penn Ave. 10 a. p. m.

CLAIM REPRESENTATIVE Expending multiple line estitelte 'nuance erntip. Annitrant must base advancement nOtnntiat IrTrellrnt employe benef its. Less 1 and experience preferred Excellent on-port Islas Tterthes cemtitiontial rad or set tte Mr. John 1 Sutton. Nations' Union Insurance Compentes.

I ltri a Platte Pittsbut eh 13. Fa. Masticres 1.9:300. CREW MANAGER With or without crew for exceptional opportunity with welt-known burgh concern LargeM fIrm in Its hold. Threct selling background moat important.

a 200 to $500 weekt, earning, poasible at Once. Apply to J. D. Miller. Tuxedo 4- I.

DRAFTSMEN ELECTRICAL, STRUCTURAL, PROCESS PIPING Court pay. fringe henefit a excellent nfinoriunily i I cowmg general en1.1neerina firm permanent War nut temporary. Minimum of college and 2 years Roo rd experience Or 5 yea 1 experience. Benlioa confidential. Ceorge ChedseY, Mandated Engincera Inc.

Box 1.3'67 Bunting-ton, W. Va. Employment Manager Progressive Cleveland manufacturer has an excellent op. portunity for a young man with 2 to 4 years solid experience in Personnel functions. Def ini I emphasis will be placed on previous experience in college recruiting and all employment activities.

We are a medium-sixed company aclively engaged in the metalworking industry. Good potential for future expansion in Personnel relations. Outstanding salary plus liberal fringe benefits. Apply by resume to box W476 Sun-Telegraph. FA131.191FD WAtkint mute Sam $1.50 an hnur ennt APPIY tn 11 a.

tn. 305 S. T1 onion, Wilkinxbut K. ENGINEERING SALESMEN tnne artabliabart Manufarturer. of tine of num And Sire' hulliullof orndup experiencad man-lamina aalesmen Na'a want sea annad men with eon.

St ttletion experienre who can alma it-to Il-oneh Proven A tollitv to take flyer I he rearannanolity of promotIn a anti nroduat Snaffle, Ilona at the architectural and ownat tavola And clawing Salm. Expallant nine Mutant ial Salar! Commiaainna. tourola. car firrniahert and all erornr Vilna, ben, ft. a include Ivan and bra Anal Ictircrmant plan.

If you have oria I ificallana And wirla to work with an Aar, mars's. ex-Pa nd Atli nfl ii ,117 ennortlintIA for Ad va naammt In sa A drolnialra Inan And mann scmant 00- 1111MS hotline omit. bar prnund And evnertana. In hI i It Carroll 1.1 na rarSa -cm min r. Earmarra innoronm tad 22'4) E.

CI and d. Datroa I 1. Ntichitan I'URNACE INsTALTIAS rnr innrnr treat on: In Matadi lurnarea and fabric, to Mint work In our atom. liat have own Ionia and 'lawman'', tinn Suro.ann tract hide psarlottrut war k. 5 Penn Eatti MEAT SALESMAN TA sell In ORO stnre4, beef, Vexl lxmh Awl Fr a tAf ker.

SEIPII, Rilfi l'Arktnz en 2114 SI FA 1- INItA MEN-RELIABLE Tr, irs st msnssor In ,4 is; to DR' ean Nna. adonaf anno psr rwestnt AW11, iINrP With tes llAr in I Wtid Ali. iltrn.stqs1 St on, hi only 1'I IC )N MR. 1061 ATLAN1: I MIS S6'7'1Al. NO.

6610.11,1 110'1(16VSA 2 SIDA442AIN pc, I Al flflS Ai617 6' 6,466 44 'NA 6 66i Amor.NT 4 0 7 5 1) 7 77 Nn (') Pfl'). 7A WI 74 711,1 74 24 71,1 71 4,1 74 71 Nri 71 11 ,1 Tft in Ico Uflo '-11A 1414IF2701a 102 LEGAL NOTICES of (lie business said CDI Kiralin poles to transact It the CoMMOTIwea IT of Penitsyivan la under the said Certificate of Authority is: Automobile Deaiership. Sates mid Service of new and used Motor alliclea and related activities. The propoord registered Hire of the said cot toll al ton In the Colnenonwealt II of Pennsyivatua will be Iota tiql al Oliver Building, Mellon Square. City of Pittston 22, cu Corporation Systion, Count of Allegheny.

ADVBHT ISENI ENT OF APPLICATION FOR CERT IFIC A'rE OF AIITIR III TY Full El I BUS EsS corti.oltATIoN NO111(11 1.4 111-11EBY elIV EN THAT AN Ainnical ton WAS made to the Department of state of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. at Harrisbui on monday, the I 4111 day of September, Itibb. by Meadow crof CdY. 1hr, a foreign Cu, potation formed under I lie laws ol the State of Delaware, Will-re its principal ot (Ice La located at No. 100 West Tenth Street.

City Of Wiimingtom toe a Certificate Of Authority to do businera within the Commonwealth of Per naylvan la under the pi Of the Business Corporation Law of the Conimonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved May 5, I 9:13, no amended. The character and nature of tile bushiess said corporation Proposes in transact In the ComeriOnweallh of Pennsylvania Under the said Certificate of Authority is; Automobile Ileatership. Sales and Service of new and used motor vehicles and relateet activities, The proposed registered of fire of the said consolation in he Commonwealth of Pentisyl, an la will be loomed Al Oliver Building. Mellon Square. City of Pittsburgh 21, Cr Corporation SySiont, l'oUnt Ot AlleKnenY DISSOLUTION NOTICE PAREElt, EVASHWICK ar BRIE-(EH Attorneys.

1218 Frick Building, Pitt sbut ti 19, Pennsylvania. Notii hereby given by George H. A t. unwary, Incorporated. a Pennsylvanta iiiisincos a input Winch nos been doing business and has tegistel ed Its since in toe Commonweal! it of Pennsylvania, 608 Wood St eet.

Pittsbui att. Aliegheny Pennsylvania, that a Ccrtlfleate of Election to Voluntarily dissolve Mild vot porallon in accordance wit the proViSittlIS of the Business Corporation Law, an Art of Assembly approved May E. 1933, as amended, (ins been duly executed, delivered to and filed by the Department of State oh the Commonwealth of Permsylvanto at HAI and that said corporation IS wintimg up its al oirs in the manner by laid Act. as that its suction Ate existence shall he ended by the issuance of a Certificate of Disci-lotion by the Deportment of State of he Comonereolth of Pennsylvania ADVERTIsENIENT OF THE FILINO OF ARTIcLEs OF INCORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat WEsTAIORELAND 1111,1, CORPOR ATiON hAt betn OrgailltPd under the provisions of the Corporation Low, spirroved May 5. 1933.

and has filed Articles of Incorporation with the Deportment of State of the Commonwea it of Pennsylvania, on the day of September. 19S9. Thr Purpoitea of the corporation ale: To acquire bY purchase, lea ae, contract, exchange or on herwige, to Own hold, hae, tonnage, develop, plat, I noprme, mortgage, atAd to grant, Oen, lease, sub-lease, rent, mortgage, ex flittitgtt, Cid it httIVISP deal In real estate and any intermit and right herein, either for its own ttrvottrin or for the account of others Ti, own erect. mutton manage and control lease, tent. buy it nd sell houses, atm rt merits ond all other types of buildings ond strut lutes: to operate prop-rely as a worehottae, to engage In retail sort whoteSate gelling and distribution, canasta in ManilfactUrint To make and tIht tiltt loons on reit estate and to buy sell.

hold, own and on herwise deal in mot tease, mortgage hnntill or notes, lend contracts, land trust certificates lenses and other evidences of indebtedness secured bv real osta le or be a lien therein or any In therein and everything at thoretro 107 SEALED PROPOSALS NOTICE: TO vENtx)rr com )NWFALTit oie PENNSYLVANIA Department of Preperty and stinno0M I 6A, Main Conlin'. rlhurg. Scaled Proposal will be re, crived until nine 9 0 I Ortnher A. Ifni anti I hen Plihlicle opened on 1 4 2S1r2leal for the contront period berIntnng Novemher I OM) and end-in April n. Plank and motion may he onto Ined noon mqi, a In, to the The Conhnne, weolth the richt to reject any or all or noris or Aorhew lse Bradley, I LOST AND FOUND vg.11 MALE HELP WANTED MAKE 1 tr17E, Net Afddr1.0.74.F 11,1" ,61 1,11010.

ESAA4) MAF1, 1011711 10. rntel Att, fi IN 7C stildrhaAOF YO'd t.00. kt 1 2 Tornv 4-41A7 1, 0 1 04.2Y Mut, t. ..1 1.,,,,,1 I 1, 6 Tomrt 1 A41 el, Kt7t, Irrvror v7 kn. Snr Nni Nrm Nor Arleen Linduer.

George Ralph Jr. and RonaA C. Ra lash brother nt Tea la Falk, also nine grandithildin, Fr lends teemed at the funeral of John D. hauh Sons, Rrownellile flh1 PT RIPSlnit aerveo Thqrsdav at, 14 a. rn Members of the Hilitop Pos! MIMIC MI are td C.

Ralash. br attier at Tekla Folk, also nine lend, the funeral tame of Jahn n. St hold) Sans tlits Brownsville Rd of, e. Thitradar At 19 a. ro Member of the Hilltop Paid t438 AMCVIC Le an ate tnvited.

I t1111 sr. of R. Ti Na. 4, Broadgranciehildin, heed Rd Corandalig, tincinv. seat.

fl. 19s9t father of Mts. Marie Mrs. Margaret McCort. holetrer, terty, Mrs.

Catherine Normile. Mrg AM1R, Harper, Mr. Ft-anorak Heizeri Friends receiver! at the C.kpeland hillerAt flume. Flitil 111111 Atte retro-Telt Requiem huth A ip MR. In Si.

Slargarei Mary Church John. nn Sattntrlay, Rm gt '41 ednestiati At 9 ail a. 1.n 1Aher at 141011 A Mistretta Roca 1. Mrs Chet lesi Matia 1) nn sund.v. Sent Mrs.

ittda ard Si hail anal 19,9. of 4n7 Htland At West MIA Uteri Cit roar trenI re- view, ire af the late Solt otare crif el at the 13 13 tie, lin At Sant mother at Rudolph lainila. Funeral Home ga2 Sherman rise Funeral fnt Ji. JIIMel low tile North F.ae Funeral no Pk ti.MP. 1407 St morning Reda Ian high rnaso Realist-R111a At on Nt'pdnegN iArv thiniatititate hit Itch at lo Ay at 9 a.

Reninein high Ma at lite Revinia Ckhurrh ln a. to. Friends tn lied, CtArtlo.ft, srpt. "a 11110P litisoand at Mary l'Alpnwitt an Monday, Sent. I.

thet ot VIriz.nA Nth of 24 111111er St Milivate 11e 1 ran Vi Ittihad! Ws. 19 thishand of Mrs, Celia Katehhatigh roarit hildren And 31 ireot grand- lathal father of Will-dirt and children FTIMIrlc reeetted al Ihr Chariest, grandchildren; brother A oe I Jaitho FI 1 erot lame at Alta Christina Byrnes Michael, ennett At at Lot a here fin), And Mrs, Matte Tope gri 1 teas all be he'd. Wednesday Friends retie, ed at the pitertittan At 2 trrilack. Pfeifer 'Funeral How, St2 Oran! of Mrs, Celia atenbanigh Ihnf father of tatilhert and Charles; grandchildren; brother of Mrs ellt rialtos tavrnee. Michael, rota, st and Mrs.

Marie lrepe. Flriends term, ad at the Pfeifer Tliineral Mime, St 2 orom! SURITIEL IMU NIA I. Ham, Art rrldar, Sept, la 1a51 0( 437 Ch 41-tterA St htiAtotriO nt RAAAle Mov Sin12: tAft loy' BUSINESS PERSONALS Ruth KA4nuttot. 3,13.9331 tillf NIA tv Ann SchtiCht, Vinl At ANIATErn and 1, Itiq Joln rain a rhntozrAnnn- Ftnyne2, Arel, Vk ilhort, MAr)AA FAtra romp, In Ahr hv 22 grandchildren And 4 mu, Prirnr14 recetvert At Ervres. 72U onhm 7n5, S23 2A Asthy.othn Ave TitIOAAllle.

Ser4- Ilnurm 9 tO 9, roplAr fl-36 11,,, 1uA0Av At 2 ni. CO. I-3140. Mt; AMATErR sort Join rain a rbotozrAnhic FOrm humpy In PipAre timf. 11,04 on rhildrrn, t.nAry, pets Pinft Roafint, Room 705, S13 9 tO 9, roplAr 9-3640 CO.

1-3140. III ftlit Vitflon Koir nn Sept 7r1 19,9 ih bomo of I. th inrmery 1, dfo.v of Dr. Da, At1 Cdllk Int It KJ-9 on Sent no 19,9 A' 1), boron of I-ofr torfrn'y of of tn. Da, Devi- reebe At1 ev 9oarrrno1.1,' of M''s TFIFASITRY nErAnTmENT.

Of ire of Axatatant Regional Commisainnef a and l'ax. Ito el nal fleve nLie SP ur. PhileLIL'ILthie. Panosy Whae AIALno, Noe e.ALL. 12 Ate Data of SCA veeLlt old, deaf.

tootles ape( 'al filet ternber 21, I 0r19 Nhr II baTrhY iteweTd. Prim, 92 3 James N. In Vven thItt Senternher 10, I fIfl IIOo I nna I of umb Plymouth four door If dam ffnrov Dor Loft Notth am ler with day I ot btowo 10 el crkAnriee WW1 eeled in I Pit I -047n 1 y. Prying, hole. for A 71011.

Any DielnILA In: raw Fl VO) inf, Pal aa'd ff'oP roost Or a aim and er a frkefl t2s0 00 wIt, th, 'Mel. LE bf.ya pat reA A rd. CII Re AI, and Toheer It or and ath, "Pretty Tee rittgeLirgt, wa, 'CI Or oeleher 7 L. 1A the pLene, 11 he heir in 1(1, St IMF, lohn Fritlee. 19! hrlosrd hilsnend Of Ca therin Ifelimen end teiher of Anchors, Marirerti end 1-1 oPt Serie hroiher Ariii Freok and Andrrw ireheih Fnoun.

Christine eras frau kin end Mere PI lentk rto ritid at the Herne Mrmorial tforn nl Nraire Sie 2,5 end 1-10 p. rra Reigitiem nIA .3 in Serrtid Remit Church lama frit.d ol of trt A rIo, Anr rMfll I 'orontkvn IHIIASIIN on ftep1, 70 191,9 of 290n blo.enert tbe let. 1 of Joon, zeh PR len by 3 veR, pnee-t hrotnor of Nirt Varr1 ,11 prl ten 3 eud ty, fl rr Vrtntlfig rN tno, Rf 'no lion'. 112 Roll, or S' Fii tny 2 Rd I'R Fr Ftineret Tureav Arler rAn of ort it iLpiill vi rr be reerle thep 1, 9'1 (11-oln turd Nu; T'A IA I II AI I iLti nri Pfittneloy ICKI I A t4v, 11. At A p.

91. belfred hliA .1,0 el Srpt hflrfl or AMPttll Kalchnlalor 19 ILI I', of Aroor of IAh tttIlt11 ER, n11 A 111Toltrer, of IA Itorr, of ATRIA Hunt PRIneiR Roof, el Ian Perrot. Dor, Hey' Rtivrnorti A Frienes tP Vprt fIttlArti It Home ItPrPert trn And trttlft pr It Snri, 1-o) AVP Pal ol ai'il illil eerelNert tit bo bet el nil rh Fr2, 14IIIIatt4 fnnrrA, At 2 9 rn Conlon Al I repo f'0' Pori ysTnro 94 FAAM. Snrs.coR, A I ntnritmaK lv 11 SP0.1,111 in St Pes Ct i li 10 In k. youIgg I I vapor ewpy.

a cn, nn st Iii. 1,1 al it a of It 4 Port rif 40n a 1 A et 10 prtrv Si thee of Mat iit Hunt. rpttlebt em, bttier of coatiea at rl Alt Ian Perrot. Dort Iletixt Finiah A mt7mr FoienPo te, vtat ,1 T. sod litilititd, li iit tn VinerAl Horne it Horner', loP ondIllo' rie gi n041, 11,0 not rf CIO Nen, Mr a o.

CrtiIon Serlo'co vlil h. ht on at rho Ktnoit4 Ftirrtil' 2 PI C'''''n f'l linn' fticAM. St rs.ce4, A to, i tt Wioilieritiit Inont'InK 9 0 II et alyy of 103,111 St P. et a IP PP k. 1 nu II I IIIVII lolpro ropy GUAR AN 1 I I 1) ARY A ENT Or A PM roATIoN All 'kill, Wonted sdvertimements iOR.

OP iippeoring in the Son-Telegrapil $90 Ill Ull I lit'S 1 ,,,1 WATIf IN In solos positions till4At NoTICK IS likifi, By THAT oitte the srtiele or service to be Pl.kel EillT 5 Thorotiv hi eyP AN A oplical nA rkil 111100 to 1110 1), h. I 25, Nnn 111,1,,, lop Arpt pAl trnelit ol 4tAle of Me C.M1,71,11- u' "ir rA II Walnut, 1- 782 I After 1,, In Penntyl, holm. At 11Arrothul R. 'h' I sri ---e-T-- i PA nn v. the th Of Sep- does not sreept helg I -( Ar AIL 1.

wanted silvettkettienis whir Ad el And Pii A IrnPirn the lido, th, Iiiirtiftlitni wsge FM live 'view rAII or IAA, or 11, SIA te of Wh4-0 of tho 1 1,, 11 10 4 Io, on Pst S11 Nkii.lreciersi We owl iimir Law, SA1, Fr PA Al fil A ro.nr, on for A 0,1 it, Ate of i infnrInnt Inn eiineillt tho U. S. ern Inn IA to ttn 1,4 th rn I Meta or Labor's Wsge In I wiorrie iiririee Fit 1002 Virtorv Build- ii r. S4 PA nt I 1.. ii.

tit (.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ling Liberty Avenue sn4 ritt.b11101 22 1 'a. AT orti( lif GUIDE In many bar. GUAR AN 1 1 I I) SAj ARY $qn P1 i I Pi.kel ER ITS ThorMivhiv Pill PIt. ncr 25. Nnti st ASPs 'All AlSinlit I- 782 I sitrY y.

10. iqns Ad, el tlKing and FA WM' SAIR V. rit 11 Or, 102 LEGAL NOTICES 102 LEGAL NOTICES 102 LEGAL NOTICES puixiixiiit fix iiirder ,11, i 0 Piro 1 (1! Nn. 744A, firtiiihxli m. 1 roML INCIlit RI Cintr of th rf siirri ix.

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NAME 7 17 'ttl eh 1 Ittv.11 7 IA Al Clttettind W0 It 11 tATIltitt0 Ile Frt. 7 20 'T1 1A 011.m 1 7 22 "0 7 21 F1 WilltA71 7 24 A1 W. Itt.t.1.10t.1 Jr, 2', .1 11 Wr.t.tit. A1 itIntin I. 'I rtttit VS '71 A.1.1 7 2g 4 Twit 7.70 .,3 2.

'1 1.171,,t otottA 7 2., .,1 7 27 ..1 P. 1 7 70 "1 tt 7 7, .77 It 7 l't F' 7 70 .1 tr 7 10 .0 1, .7. Ft 1 'ti N't cm, 11 '1 t. '71 W. ,,,,,1 11 NA V.

enent Ine men eapetienced in cnal preparatfril and err enal wtemt. flow lavmit and one rnm for detelnoment nria on new equipment. Gerup clot and I. For CAI or Wiltc Mr. J.

P. Bkir Hey! Patterson Inc. ss Ft. Pitt Blvd. CO 1.0150 c)r mA I I VOI r- PITT It Trl nrt)prn Th.

WI', rit reeri Anv Ili 1 In 4110, iht Lion tho r-ty 111 ritIOLLIP 21t .1 irmotooll LPI 11, eq he do4 rInt totlAnto0 M. tn tho Vehirlos bt et( nly golo ontl th. yyn, City nt no Ihn, vohl, let An gr, tIvp ot the rtlirridloo, bosrwm IA), AMU. 4-rO1e'Pil Ps vrm 1 rvpyrt 1P49 4I rv 241H A I "raw. CA VA I INtrnivrrt Tr) PAL Pr .4 no A TO 4 00 M.

O4 rtAll OF PALI nn A M. 1 NTH, PALI: TA HT CHAR' F. 4P1-10 Coy i I i 4 4.ak AL a A 4: Ak- Aw.A6AA. 1.

Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.