Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)

rwriMqf IttCQLV CORb jgssBCttea vew aotst Foote Sherrill MANAOERB. market mtfxrr. iiB Perclval M. Lloyd AKcnnscx MilM Pnvtkfcp Iv. rtATT MATT, IJBERTY ST.

TH NKWS Or TUB WORLD BT rattftCP.OnTOF ABSOCIATKD PRESS ESTABLISHED DECEMBER. lis. 06 a Year; Singic Copyl3Ct. Thursday Morning, August 2. 1906.

Volume 46 Number 14,172 rOoo0000 oooOoooSi 1 1 "LULL RECREATION lWreiiSSc ZRitCy Jt.1!LJS WVBtetiV Should now rlren a very liberal lortloBsfJjr8ujUiiMl Til I'Uwn' IBd Miwnaii rmui tt rill iwrr from mill be IHIrt All the irqalmnraK for Bawrbsll. lYaaK Rh jeHBg. Alhbtlcw. ITr ltuur. Osanpiag, RtMtlBg, he found at oar Store great MlmnM awl tltltoat sn ear yuar lWrsr.

coltmbi t.kvelamt, trib VMi aad iiuiTninn nmcua. Von der Linden, 52 Market St. REPORTED THAT BALTIC SHIPS HAVE MUTINIED XiE A T)EBS We have an undisputed claim to leadership in the distribution and sale of PIANOS and musical instruments and musical merchandise of every description. 'Ka hav a special twnaa devoted In Edison Phonographs and Victor Talking Machines aad a ruenilrt stark of mania CEAS. H.

HICKOK MUSIC CO. 276 Main Street BUY YOUR TEA and COFFEE at B00TH 5 Phone. 327 FIRE Frost. IMey and Son N. Cardra tUrswt.

for nnl now. Then If there" should an adjrsrejnjliyulllb! cmi tbe safe shle. Our fat iulle for handling Cool make il possible I JT lis ta (He you 6000 CLEAN COAL, and guarantee full; weight al lha lowest market price. Large or small orders recelie our Immediate attention. Ml, omrr, i garden street.


GAS AND frrCAM nrma City sad County rers far TFLATMxV INO. STEAli FITTINC. rlEATIrtO. hooriNo. LCAiira wcuk PAIrtiNO fsrorapll IUa4l by aosassUnt weeeanrai 1 12 Main Street.

car aoirru clover street. TELA PHONE CAM. tort A. FOR THE Hot Pays Water Coolers Ice Geam Freezers Lemon Squeezers Lemonade Straws and a full line of household goods for summer use U.ST! 30G Main St, Warm jyeathex. II urrevwrr for a bum to get Ibe rlpht snalcttel hrfort) he ran Han la bailil a lu II Imp Man wtlUntl always troubled hl aaassctbiae.

is with the wMlr al llw bI Imm, lUrj ar alaaa lAuaiHc ahiHii Hm warm ajraihrr. WJ? Hwj dklal nan lh Uli llw rlrfH aaalcrUL Wr luiift ,1 rtelaaalrnal la kw rai ra.4. aa a WHITE MrTl HI! rEM ntEETERS. llMMOTKS. Mtt hWIMi, MltrJ BOOKS AMI M.1IFENS.

llw uIm 4b iiU raw ao Mii ltnl with all twH awirrtal fur iliai pwrnk. al al mj Uurr aad hak "I 27S Main St N. Y. Fmt SKips tf Sqnadraa Kcportc. it Jolalirt HatlBon Md Boimlnf at Uric Sr.

r1ERSBDRGlS MXIOOS. No IVCallr N'rwa HrrHtrd aa lu IIh OaMiawr of Hie Baltic Rrtwrra lal TmnH aal MatUrm a hirahurx I'wmuanwnt Rrpurl I hat ilw Mailwrrra llatv Ravwil IIf WMie lias rVara of a fSrwrral Kprrad of Iho HrToll "Through Ea llrr Ep4aUMwnrai llrrota al'Vna4all bAkikI to llava Bm MMrd iaj llir Had. 81. rxmbiuf. Aiuj.

It IS a. m. St. I rirfiburt la anxiously awaiting new of the outcome of yesterday' battle between the mutineers and the government forreaat No ovnnlte Information has been recelted here, owing to Ibe damage done to the Lsnd telegraph wlresv. The utmunt lnuurtant.e la attached to the Tonduit of the fleet.

According to arml omctsl Inlunatlona, the rrewi of theM Tefwels are at III un iroljfUttle ofnrs, but prlte ad vk ea say that a portion of the cre4 have been cooflned below decka for fear of routine). waa a rumor here to night that four of Ibe ships of the' llsltii squadron were In eomplete mutiny and roaming at large In the Qulf of Finland, and that the commandant, at Cronatdt had been notlned to be prepared for an attack, by theee It la worthy of note that a despatch to an official, agency from llelslngfora announcing the arrrral of the fleet'on Sreviburg and the rait that It opened two doea not mention what It opened llrei against. Wk Admiral BlrllefT personally gono i lo ll lsingfor iojuhuiw per annal eornnuMnf oflbelleet. Silaalbsa at CruaMadt. The most Intense anx.

iy alll pre valt ith rt gsnl lif a insislldn inirlnliia at cSistadt. and the general spread uf the revolt through the entire naial eatabllshmenla A visit by The Amu eLtleQ Press eorrrstundent to Onai aladt. however, shows that the'aulhor ltlea( there rerelred timely warning of the eventa at tfeAburg and nipped possible revolt In the hud. They had Ibe situation well la hand Tuesday night and uuletlyi placed detachineiua of. InfantryAI the doora of the marine barracks and removed the carbines from the racks In the buildings.

Yesterday morning the LOv sailors composing Ibe seventh equipage, quar tered at Crunatadf. who loyalty had mi qoiwllonea. round themselves prtsuneis. The correspondent saw them looking out of the windows uf their barra ka. The streetauM? Croiistadt are lwaruilng with I roups of the oal 'guard regimenta and the newly arrived men of the twenty fourth division, who ve lo overawe the disaffected ele ments.

A group of agitalora who went over to Cronstadt In the same boat with the corresiHindent of The Associated Press attempted to hold meetlnga and coraraunicate newa of the Sveaborg hapMnings. They fled before the leveled nns of the aoMlera, JLa fhe orreepondent wraa rrosslnK from Orustadt to Oraulenhaum he saw the Imperial yacht Pole Star lying alth sleam up al the pier below tne ImpetUI residence, at Peterbof. Slemrd the While Hag. Ilekdngfors. Aug.

2. I a. in. The bite flag has been hoisted on one of the Wanda, but It la premature to aay whether the rrrolutionarlea there have surrendered. In any event, boa ever, the fire from the battleship Slava and another warship undoubtedly had It rflert The mutlnerre renort that the Ua aas struik several limes by their Bre Outing the afternoon a boat put out from Sveaborg and was bombardeOa The oiupants, who were members the "red guard." were arrested.

tHBf. laelr need, of brnvMnna. which they, had failed to secure and the ar rival of the warsmpar Firing al "ilullnerre. n'rlnrk this evening the battleship Czarevitch and the rrulnrr Bogalyr opened lira on the mutineers al a dis lanre of fifty rable lengths The mutineers replied, but their shots seemed lo fall short. The tiring ceased at 9 o'cKkH.

and koala era then seen lear' Tng the Inland with wounded. Lnial Troop hliaioam. llUlngfor. Aug. S.

a. The lattsl neaa. front the fortress IhiTthe mutineers hate surrendered The mutineera undoubtedly had the upper until me uauienipi inva anJ arrived on lh sceae aad commenced lo bombard then with such telling effect that the central magailae wv bloan up and the big! guns In Ibe hands of the ret.tluiUHilsK te rendered practical, i el. Twnsaiader Tgetr and IM hou Ml loyal Infaattrmea then aur. r.

unJed the barrack They were an roilinual are from Ihe revelalioaMs. urreavler WctuM ol lhlr lack of bl Frmllkt 'lliilin'ea. Vlborg. Aug. 1.

tt la reported here that Ihe Russian flotilla etatloned al llango, Finland, has mutinied; Imprisoned the officers and sailed lo the aalftuce of Ihe mullnrers at Sveaborg. Majrailnr llHxtngfora. Aug 11 p. m. The rannonade at Sveaborg continued during all the afternoon.

Tha powder magailne In the posaeelon of the Insurgents has exploded. It Is Impossible to determine how thU mil affect the mutiny. SlMrpe Cannonading. Ilelslngfors, Aug. 15 p.

There haa been continuous sharp cannonading at Sveaborg since noon. The smoke from" burning buildings' Is visible here. During the afternoon a rain of shfaiv nel was poured Into thi; sea In the rlnlty of Lonnan Island, where a cruiser la stationed. Troops are pouring Into Ilelslngfors. Tin Situation by Bulletins, Ilelslngfors, Aug.

I. I It p. m. The Alva, another cruiser; has arrived and Is at present engaged In bombarding the mutinous battery on Sveaborg Island. It larrumored that the revoluiHwUta one of the Islands have raised the white flag.

It jtatmptMslble to communicate with Ihe' Irtlanida. Rome excitement haa been rau'ed' It tow by tha arrest of several membrri of the "red guard' and other revolutionists. St. Aug. t.

II ES p. m. The grierai telegraph ofllce of St. Petersburg and surrounding bulldlnas were occupied by detachments of guards Just before midnight lo nlghu Th authorities evidently fear a gen eral attempt to rut communication be laeen the capital and the Interior. Helalngfora, Aug.

a. m. It waa rumored late last night that Ihe Sveaborg mutineers had surrendered. Helslngfurs, Aug; a. m.

A mutinous loice at KteatHirg was brought over to Ilelslngfors by the postmaster at Straborg. It Is Impox thlS" ruirhirherer The lire from the cruisers has seriously damaged Ihe fortlflcatlons. There has been no firing for the last few hours. The mutineers have tailed In their effnrta to secure provisions Onnslatll Cat Off. St.

Petersburg, Aug. Cronstadt Is cut off from communication with Ft. Petersburg. Moth telephone and telegraph llnea were severed during the night. Itussla'a great stronghold.

Svea. borg. In Finland, Is to day entirely In the hands of mutineers. More startling even than this, however. Is Ihe report that the capture of ftveaborg fortress by rebels Is only part of a great plot against the rsar It Is said that a gigantic mllllry conspiracy aiming at the simultaneous rapture of the greatest of the rxar's fortresses, Stesborg.

Cronstadt. Sebna tepul, haa been fully matured. The action al Sveaborg, however, was premature. Afore righting began there to day. The most desdly righting has occurred not only at Sveaborg, but In ilrl sngfora Itself, tbe capital of Finland, where there Is a great'revolt.

In prog reaaJn th. Skaluddrti Island marine barra. sx From (OS to l.AM men hare been kll' ed or wounded It Is believed. The au thoritles are powerless unless heaty reinforcements arrUe. Mnnler of Wtwlthy Jew.

St Petersburg. Aug. 1 The report or the murder of M. llertensteln, a member of tbe outlawed Parliament, In which he waa a prominent leader of Ihe Constitutional Democrats. Is con.

Armed. He was assassinated at his country house In Finland, by men In tha pay of the bla'ck hundred, llertensteln waa of Jen leh descent and ery wealthy. 3II.OOO IJllvngTaplxW Klrlhr. New Tork, Slug. 1 A general strike of nwiiibrrf' he ritthpgriiherrtr tematlonal Proterihe and Benefit At sw latlon of Ihe I'nlted States anl Canada a6rjf rsl bavJIoUa A Itsniiitoit, preejiit tsj tne lion.

The strike goes Into effect to morrow and arTeita about M.O0O en ployeea of litrngraphing eoncerns In tha United States 4nd Canada. Tha association made a demand on July for IS Insted of hour per week and coupled alth not lew. that in default of romplianie a strike woulj be ordered on July iZ. An offer by Ihe rmpjopm to night to arbitrate thejjMHer wgs A'rw tWrli for Culambla. Toronto, Aug James cosx tt for tha Toronto Rowing Club, admitted to be the best crew coach In Canada, haa practically closed aim DEMOCRATS LEAN JOWARDJEARST.

DctMc. HM Dcmotnik bite Can TtntioB at BaiTalo. SEPTEMBER 25 THE DATE. William foniM rs Kays Winter Ralfabt Itrlegation Is for Hears ami Nothing Can Prevent Ilia Nomination Rename lcCarrena Manner Is Not riiangnl. New Tork, Aug.

1. Tha Drmorratl. state committee met at the Hoffman House noon, to day to select the tune and place for the state conveii tkm. Cord Meyer, chairman ot th' committee, nreelded. Before the meeting.

Mr. Meyer aaiu that he bad not yet decided. whether he would resign at once. He adJeJ: 'I had desired to get out for a ioiik time, but my frlenda asked me hold on. I am willing to reMgn to day If all or nearly all of th member of the committee can agree on my Mr.

Meyer had a long conference with William Sheehan, Norman Matk and William Conn ere before the meet Ina of the committee. After 'the talk Mr, Conners said: The meeting of the Independence Lee rue yesterday will not affect Mr. Hearst'a chances with the regular state convention. We will go ahead and nominate Hearst anyhow, Tbe "wh6le Hurfflode'eratton to the state mnventlon will be Instructed tor Hearst. Nothing can prevent Hearst' nomination.

Norman Alack sopke In the same way. Both Conners and Alack said they would try to Induce the state committee to select Huffalo aa the place for the state convention. Cord Meyer did not and the committee took no action on the cbair fnnnshln. a The Democratic state committee de cided to bold the state convention at Buffalo. September 2S.

The programme for the meetlrie; was arranged at a conference attended by Norman H. Alack. Senator Patrick lc Carren. Charlea F. Murphy, leader of JnjvvnyJllaUjar1dord Meyer8sn.j ator atd arren anio: rt nua is fact that we have agreed to hold the convention In Buffalo, yet It m( l.

't be const rue to rnearr ttnvf TIUIV changed In any manner with regard lo Mr. Hearst and his political party Don't make any mistake about Air. Murphy, who wan standing be side Senator AlcCarrrn. said: "Never theless we are going to meet In Buf falo." When Ihe committee met Thomas Murphy offered resolution fixing But. falo aa the place for tha convention and naming September 15 aa the date, It waa adopted unanimously.

Another resolution was adopted naming Ibe Hotel Iroquois, of Buffalo, as lha next place of meeting of the state committee. MRS. THAW YIELDS TO SON'S REQUEST Ms ITork. Aug. 1 Yielding to the persuasion of her son.

Harry Thaw, Mr. William Thaw to day dlsprnaed with the services of the Arm or Buuk. Olcott. Uruber A Bunynge, whom she had retained to conduit the defence of the young mani mur durlng Stanford White. Following family counsel, held last night at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.

Carnegie, at It'wlyn, and al which. Airs. Harry Thaw was tresent, Mrs. William Thaw this afternoon sent a letter the law firm In question, announcli.g that she had decided that her son's position was the right one and dismissed the Arm. This action Is taken mean that Ttiaw'a plea uf "Not guilty will stand and that "emotionaL Insanity" and evidence going to show Justification under the "unwritten law a III be relied upon to secure acquittal.

It Is nnderslood that Mr, llartrldge does not Intend to conduct lha cAbC single handed. He has beeri In daih consultation for a week alth eeverel eminent trlmlnal lawyers. A number uf Ihrav 1 it sir i ly i ir 1 1" tallied to assist In Ihe defense and nowo are at work on different ends of th esse, line olHeHltnt n.jls.1 Inthe I'nlted Slatea will conduct thti trial in court, HWtMONV I lOWU Gov, Alle rt It, c*ntmlus Itt luiuiiual' etl by llu Ht tubltcains, lies At. ilnee Iowa. Aug.

1. Inventor Albert It. Cummlna to day was nominated fur re election by lhr Itepubll uxavewtiun In a harmonious session that belled all pronotkatl'n of a podILIe spUt In Ihe state party over the head the tlcekt, A full stale ticket waa nanwd. moat of tha candidate brlng'nomlnatsd ky aeclaiuallou. All atrtf ppsare4 ClililmMa ITnlrrsMT Jisw, TerlHr evs dUarom; th TaPtof tha op take bold of their crewg thla faU.

(juaUf factloua, IIHU RKPl'BUCAXS. Nnmnate Htste Ticket Headed by Frank IL Gonllsui. publican state convention lo iy nominated a ticket headed by Frank (binding for governor. For lieutenant governor. E.

A. Burrlll is named i for secretary' of state, Hubert Lansdon; for treasurer, a. A. Hastings, for member of Congress, Burton L. French; for I'nlted State senator, William K.

Borah. The resolutions atlopled Indorse th administration, of President Roosevelt and pledge tha party to aupport him. Tti" resuluilona also Indorse the record of Senator lleybum and Congressman French and pledge support to OoVernor Oondtnir. In the enforcement of law and public order In Idaho. Other Clausen or the resolutions up hold the Republican policy of protective tariff, pledge th enactment of an effective atat anti trust law.

legislation to prohibit Issuing or railway peases to atat officers and th enactment of primary election. HEAL LORD IX CCSTODT. He I "Lord IViuglasn bwt Nog lite Owe Wanted by Hie Police. Portland, Maine, Aug. I.

Instead of having In custody an American bigamist known aa "Lord Douglass." want. by th authorltle or many Hlles. aa was at first supposed, th Portland police. It la thought, have) detained Lord Bholto Douglas, third son of th late Marquis of Queensburyv Several days ago a Portland detective was requested by tbe polfco of Ashe vllle, N. to arrest a man who rented a cottage on th shore of Sebagq, Lare In May.

The officer went to the lake yeeterday and detained a man known at tkejake reeorts aa S. 0. Dotiglas, The mispect regarded th arrest hi morously and told the oflloer who called on him that be waa Lord Shotto George Douglas. With him wer two persona, who. he said, wer Lady Douglas and their son.

A firm of hanker In Portland stated that the man detained at Sebago really la Lord Sholto Douglas. The suspect I In custody of th local police. UNRAVELLING THE HARTJEJCANDAL Plltsborg. Pal. Aug.

l. Jost fore ineXOULlllJjejixoiijneu iianjo otvurvv trial to day, Fred Long, a newspaperman, waa called lo th aland by John Freeman, of counsel for Mrs, HarU. long testified that Attorney Marron. of Ilartje'a counsel, told biro In Feb ruary of number of letters In Ihe possession of the Hartje lawyers. This waa several months before Fisher, Hartje's.

brother in law. said he had told counsel of their existence). This waa also aom months before Madlne'a trunk waa broken open and from which th letters were alleged to have hern taken, which waa In June. Attorney Marron became angered at Long's testimony and threatened the newspaper nun with violence aflct court adjourned. Alma Rosa, th proprietor or a rooming house, awor that Augustus llartji and Josephine Wright frequently met at the'ltoss woman's house, that the Wright woman brought him ther and Introduced him, and said that the houstt at which she had been living waa loo public and to cloti to tb Hartje warehouse.

The Ross woman said Hartje paid Joaephln Wright's room rent thereafter. When th wit ness pointed out Hartje In th eouit room. Hartje smiled. Hartje, several days ago, swore that he did nut know JoaephinsrWrlght and never had visited her. Th Wright woman swore that she did not kruw Hartje.

This was when Hartje's si tmets wer Introducing evidence In rebuttal. "Tom Madine, th coachman cu respondent uay a or that the fa rnitus forty letters ahlch prlvat de tectives said wer taken from his trunk, neter were In that receptacle. Mrs. HartJ swore that she wrote only two letters to Suri Wagner and denied telling Blanch Aahby anal testimony she should give. REBELS ATTACK JAPANESE CITY.

Tk torla, It. C. Aag. Advices wer received by th Empress or Japan thai lite nr rmria'aT'lrmr'CtekBnt. proviiM bectHnlng a.

grar movo ment and many brliev lb rising will assume ahnilar proportlona to th Tll ping rebrllluo. Hsln Cheng Halen, Chekalng, a large walled city, was captured by the rebels and looted. A garrison of waa left, la prepare in city la withstand a siege by Im perial troops. Several corps of Imperial I roups have been despatched. Magistral Khein.

Hula Cheng, was tortured to death lu rwvyng for having summarily behaded a rebel leader. It was thla ait which caused Ik reutla to gather at Suugrhlen to attack t'" rity, Th Roman CatbuUe and th protectant Churches wer deslroytd. and, although lb native pastors recaps, six converts wer suiudered. Larg hodtel os disbanded soUlwi an aflUitd IU rbU, BROKE UP PARTY WITH YNAMITE New Ytrt Haa't Ctot hf SItWf. larUiGaltetf4.

blew wisar Mro Bgsmu. Tlmsnas Owens rvaldBt Slreea rwiaatsi Mrs. WlHnsi's Party fte Her Breaks l'p the listhrrlag wnTsJa It SnVk car DrBasalrr The Dysav mlrrr Badly lajaarcd. New Tork. Ant.

Annoyed Tst party glren by afrs. AfarT Wuwosi fta th flat beneath ham. which dtstwrbed his sleep, Thomaa Owens, a. plasahsr. living at No.

17 Wyeth Areas. WW Umsburg. broke up th social gathering with a Mica of dyhamit at o'clock this morning. Owens also blew hlsneaif Into th eastern hlsttirt hospital wher a fellow patient Is hi "unpopular nelgta hor. Mrs.

Wllson. Osrens Inelsta that his wounds wer not caused by aa expsaataaf dyna mlt. hut by a general shooting that followed his basurtrnc that Mr. Wit son's guests preserve th peace. Th door of Mrs.

Wilson's flat and th condition or th Interior of th apartment confirm her assertion that drnajalt was used. tncidently. th condttkssr of Owens' left hand Is Indlratrr of th isa of. dynamite. It Is shattered a point that makes ampatatlon bMrttabta.

Mrs. Wilson jold th poOoe that sir waa having a party la thranaHmsBt and Owens began ta cnrnplsla after midalght Hist he could not sleep on. account of the rail th xnatrrr makers. Finally, set says, rang Ut bell, and when ah appeared threatened to blow her and her gwssta with a stick of dyaamit. Sh grappled with.

htm. bwt la' lb struggt Av managed to throw tha dynamite against th door. It was capped with a fuss, and an explosion rot lowed that almost, wrecked th apart, anent haw. ej Owens and Mrs. YfUsoa tm hcth rendered win'oBstlnua.

Ha start a hi ad aat Injury to his left and' ah waa badly burned about th left hand abd body. The nterj jinaksxa.got asras a rorw'UWpollc reached tha scans. MURDERER NOW DECLARED SANE Albasy. N. Amj.

DWtrt Attorney Addlngton has been Informed by th aat korH lea of th atat hoBpftal tsr criminal In that Bwfisbwdent Campbell, of that InstUatioa. haa sVt clared Richard fruiaaar to aa. Preusser th wU known snortAisT man of thbi rity who shot ta death Myle MrDoaneu. of Boston, la th doorway of th tetters room la th Ho tel Ten Eyck In this rity. na Ja ISM, and who sifter a awcond trial at L'tlca.

about fie wsaka ago, waa acquitted by th Jury on th grstsnd that be ws Insan at th tha of th killing, Preusser was sentenced by Justlc Rogers lo the hospital at Mattaawaa remain antil cared. An order Taf Preussers reteas will bar ta twtaai front th rant that ssntsnctd bssv. Th sbuotlng and th twr ruin nasal trials were sensational la a great meay respects. th first trial In March. IMS consuming nearly four weeks and Insulting In a disagreement after th Jury had deliberated tar taor than haara Th second trial took ptec at UtlcaW II has been at Maltaawm only a fsw, weeks.

MAV ITGirr A DITX. lYrw.li Onwrers May Srtile Mhh a Iwef. Mpala Parts. Attar t. Gewerl Negrier wrt lo th Matin Friday cnrractlasr nart at lleneral Andre'a statantant refserta ta huneelf and declaring that antral A re Led when aftlt me Ihsft ntrnitl Negrier had asked to be retained la a.tlv service, although he was out srrvsee, giving aa an his reason his defeat at Lnnsr on.

in lsAitan.sL A duel I considered likely la tha result. Otnrnl tn.ir. s.Uij isn inrr' In Injurious terms, ssjlng that Oeosral Negrier had cnipeumlssd th Preach arnai in sn.1 a ta oT'thlsilenVraT'NegTier asked to lw talned la active servir, whkb h. aa minister of war, anally conceded. "When I was minister.

be say. 1 committed Ihe aapardanabas error sr railing Oenersl Nwgrter ta actlv Vic and of Ignoring th dedaisn af tU supreme rounrU of war." larreaea la Itesranes, Washington. Aag. TVa ronwwle. l.ner ot Internal reaaa haw taaaasd a pn lindnry report for lha )ar spied Juno Aw, Iset.

sswwlag Issal receipts K4x.iej.vn. an increase au compared with last tear cat IAUUL Th peseta of roUectsaa war shout 11.C A. U. TrieroJJtclJoci In New Tesk was tat JU.OU. aad la New Bagtaad, Mama aad) Veraaost, tG.UT A 't I i i i.

A. tju, i afi.

Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)
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