The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

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Monday Morning September 14 1942 THE DAILY LAW JOURNAL RECORD Page our 0 24 42 9 21 42 of Okla Mary (Seal) By' Elmo 9 15 42 9 19 42 9 16 42 Seal) et (Seal) 9 16 42 lllk (Seal) 102 42 County Judge 9 25 43 HEAL 9 24 42 Oklahoma of rances Okla day or September day of September 9 24 42 10 1 42 Mae said take (Seal) 9 21 48 9 14 42 Phone Earp 9 21 42 9 14 42 SlAllMiDi GUARAMIID TITLES a a a ESCROWS DEPENDABLE OKLAHOMA COUNTY ABSTRACTS 3 1303 Ancel Earp Co 710 1st Bldg 31 HI INN County Judge (Seal) II Attorney 9 9 42 (Seal) Tod Elliott 719 Hightower Bldg fihlnlmma t'llv Okla Al Im for Laynle Harrod Plaintiff's Attorney (Seal) 8 29 42 (Seal) Garrett Black Attorneys 9 9 42 (Seal) Scott Suuyrts At torncy 9 9 42 Phone 7 3422 or 3 3100 and the Dally Law Journal Record will call for your notice Leo Conalilhie Attorney 8 211 42 BLINN County Judge ey Toni Garrr ll 2806 llaiipiev Tnwmr AHmni tor Admililalriitor 9 9 42 9 rind for custody of minor children and you must answer petition filed herein on or before the 21st day of October 1942 nr said petition will he taken as true ai 4 judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you aiTordlnR to prayer of Plaintiff's peti tion HAY ALLEN KOGER Administrator with the will NOTICE ACCOUNT BUTTON No STATE OKLAHOMA ss COUNTY OKLAHOMA) Before me a Notary Public In for said County and State on this day of August 1942 personally tir Li t'xiri 12 1 Clarence Myers Attorney 8 28 42 (Seal) County Judge Priest Belisle Attorneys 9 10 42 9 25 42 (Seal) red Otto 923 Perrine Bldg Oklahoma City Okla Attorney 8 29 42 17705) NOTICE 91' PUBLICATION September 1942 CLI MYERS Court Clerk of Oklahoma County Oklahoma By Edna Adams Deputy Elliott NOTICE ACCOUNT BUTTON (17658) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 31912 1) Slate of Oklahoma Oklahoma County U1 I for said BLINN (Seal) County Judge Shirk Gilliland Ogdon Witlilngton oniric attorneys 9 10 42 (Seal) Hlumhagen Harold llelnlc Attorneys for Administrator 9 10 12 9 26 42 NOTICE REARING INAL AC COUNT AND PETI TION OB DISTRIBUTION No 16318 In the' County Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma In the Matter of the Estate of Josephine Chase Deceased Notice is hereby given that A Hg Mahnkcr Administrator with will an nexed of the estate of Josephine Chase deceased having filed In this court his final account of his admin istration as such administrator with will annexed with his petition for dis tribution of said estate hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Tuesday the 22nd day of September 1912 at 16:00 A of said day at the Court Room of said County Court In the County Court House at Oklahoma City Okla homa and all persons Interested In said estate are hereby notified then and there to appear and show cause If any they have why said account should not be settled and allowed and the said estate distributed Dated this 28th day of August 1942 BLINN We Also RENT and REPAIR TYPEWRITERS (17721) NOTICE O' HEARING PETITION OB PROBATE WILL No 18572 Notice is hereby given to all persons Interested In the estate of Louis Loeffler deceased that on the 9th day of Sep tember 1912 Anna Catherine Loeffler produced and filed In the County Court of the County of Oklahoma and State of Oklahoma an Instrument In writing purporting to be the last will and testa ment of Ixiula Loeffler deceased and also filed in said Court her petition praying for the probate of said will ami that Letters Testamentary Issue thereon to Anna Catherine Loeffler the executrix named In said will Pursuant to an order of said Court made on the 9th day of September 1942 notice Is hereby given that Thursday the 21th day of September 1912 at the hour of 9 A of said day has been appointed as the time for hearing said Petition and proving said will at tho Comity Court Room In the Countv Court House at Oklahoma City in said County of Oklahoma when and where all persons Interested may appear and contest the same IN TESTIMONY WHEREO I have set my hand and the seal of said Coun tv Court this 9th day of September 1912 (17708) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRI BUTION AND DISCHARGE No State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Earl Wesley Berk Deceased Notice is hereby given that Ocle A Knight administratrix of the estate of Earl Wesley Beck deceased having filed in this Court her final account of the administration of said estate and her motion for distribution of said es tale and for final discharge of said administratrix the hearing of the same lias been fixed by tho Judge of said Court for Tuesday tile 29th day of September 1942 at 9:00 A SL at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State afore said and all persons interested In said (slide are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administratrix dis char "ill Dated September Bill 1912 said plaintiffs accord will be rendered CLI MYERS Court Clerk Edna Adams Deputy 9 18 42 property being located In BRIT TON HEIGHTS ADDITION to Oklahoma City Oklahoma And for further 'judgment on said amounts hereinabove sot forth nt in terest at six per cept (6) per annum from August 17 1942 until paid Witness my hand and seal this 8th uay ot (Seal) estate has by operation of Inw or oth I erwlae acquired In and to all of the following described real estate in Ok lahoma County State of Oklahoma to wltt Ixt 10 and the East 25 feet of Ixt 11 tn Block 6 North Sido Addition to Bethany Oklahoma County Oklahoma (401 West 2nd i Street Bethanv) Lot 11 and the East Half of Lot 12 In Block 12 Carle At Colcord Addition lo Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma (1822 Northwest 2nd Street Oklahoma City) Lol 6 In Block 8 Zurllne Park Addition to Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma (3328 Southwest 28th Street Oklahoma City) The North 46 feet of the South 93' 9 feet of ixita 1 to 4 both in elusive In Block 2 Wahldale Addi tion being a subdivision of Blocks 8 lo 12 both Inclusive of Glen Echo Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma Countv Oklahoma (3915 North Young's Boulevard Oklaho ma Citv) The toons of sale are ten per cent caHli tn bo luihl at the time of sale and the balance of asli to be paid nt the time nf ennflrmntlon of Hulu by the County Court of Oklahom: County Oklahoma Dated this 28th day of August 1942 LUCY ALLWEIN Ancillary Executrix 1 IjLINN (Seal) County Judge Reynolds Hidings Attorneys 9 5 42 9 21 42 U1 VnlilUUIlla VlVlttJIUUia vuuilir In the District Court within and County and state Anthamatten vs Anthamatten Defendant of Oklahoma to the said De Greeting: (Seal) 8 31 42 (17700) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND OR DISTRIBU TION AND DISCHARGE No 18133 ot Oklahoma Oklahoma County In the County Court within and said Countv and State (17703) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AMI OR DISTRIBU TION AND DISCHARGE No 17877 nf Oklahoma Oklahoma County In the County Court within and said County and State (17719) NOTICE HEARING ON INAL ACCOUNT ON PETITION OR DIS TH1BLTION AND ON A PLICATION OR INAL DISCHARGE No 18105 In the County Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma In the Matter of the Estate of Theo dore Schuster Deceased THE STATE OKLAHOMA to the heirs at law next ot kin creditors and all persons interested in said es tate GREETINGS: Notice is hereby given that George A Schenk the administrator of the estate of Theodore Schoster deceased has filed in this Court what purports to be a final account of his doings as such administrator attached to which Is an application for the determination of tho heirs of said estate for distrlhu tlon ot the property belonging to said estate anil for final discharge of said administrator and that the hearing on the same has been fixed by the County Court ot snid Countv and State for the 391 li day of September 11142 nt the hoar of 'Jen o'clock A of said day in the County Court Room In the Court House in the City of Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma and nil persons interested In said estate are hereby notified then and there to ap pear and show cause if any they have why said account should not be allowed and approved why the heirs to said estate should not be determined the said estale distributed and the admin istrator inactitirgcii Dated this the 9tli 1942 (Seal) Bv II Reglan Mathers Mathers plaintiffs Attorneys 8 25 42 STATE TENNESSEE) SS COUNTY DAVIDSON) Before mo a Notary Public In for said Countv and Slate on (17698) NOTICE HEARING INAL AC COUNT AND PETITION OR DIS RIB ION AMI DISCBARGE No 17996 In the County Court of Oklnhomn Countv State nf Oklahoma In Hie Mutter of the Estate of Alice11 David dcceiised Notice Is hereby given I hat Oils Ridings the executor of the estate ot Alice David deceased has filed In this Court bls final account nf the ad ministratinn nf said estate and his peti tion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said executor the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for riday the 25th day ot September 1912 at 9:09 o'clock A at the Courtroom of said Court tn the County Courthouse in Ok lahoma County State of Oklahoma and al! persons Interested tn said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if anv they have why I he said account should not he settled and allowed and sold estate distributed and the executor discharged Dated this 4th day of September 1912 Years AmtofUnpd Delinquent (17716) ORDER OR HEARING PETITION TO SELL HEAL ESTATE No 18352 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Olive Price Deceased It appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court from the verified petition of Beatrice Bramlett administrator of the estate of Olive Price deceased on file herein that it is necessary to sell the real estale belonging to said estate and described in said petition for the reasons and purposes in said petition set out Therefore it is ordered by the Court That all persons interested in the estate of said Olive Price deceased appear before the County Court ot the County ot Oklahoma State of Oklahoma in the Court Room thereof in said County and State on the 7111 day ot October 1912 at 9 o'clock A ot said day then and there to show cause it any they have why an order as prayed for in said petition should not be granted to the said Administrator to sell said real estate of said deceased at either public or private sale for the reasons and purposes mentioned in said petition as he shall judge lo be for the best interest of said estate and of all parties inter ested therein It is the further order ot the Court: That copies of tho order be posted in three public places in the Cpunty one of which shall be at the court house wheia the hearing Is to be held: that a copy of this order be served personally on all persons interested in the estate any general guardian of a minor so interested and any legatee devisee or heir of the deceased who are residents ot the County at least ten days before the time set for said hearing: that conies ot said order be mailed to all persons interested in said estate who are not residents ot said County with postage thereon prepaid: and that if the post office address of any sin per son Interested in said estate Is unknown i a copy of this order to show cause shall he published for two successive weeks i in some newspaper published in this 1 County the first publication of which I notice shall not be less than 15 days before the time fixed for said hearing Dated tms sin 1912 No 18175 In the Countv Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma In re Estale of 11 A Rauscli deceased Notice is hereby given that Emma Elizabeth Gordon executrix ot the es tate ot 11 A Bausch deceased hav ing tiled In this court her final ac count of the administration of said es tate and her petition for distribution ot said estate and for final discharge of said executrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said court for Thursday 11e 21th day of September 1912 al 9 A 51 at the courtroom of said court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City In the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then an there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the executrix discharged Dated this 29th day of August 1942 BLINN County judge 9 15 42 Charles The Slate fpiulll II You the said defendant will take notice that vou have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of non sunport and gross neglect of duty and tor restoration of her maiden name and vou must answer Plaintiff's Petition filed herein on or before the 19th day of October 19 12 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said will bo ren dered against you according to prayer of Plaintiff's petition CLI MYERS Court cterir McCallister Deputy Clerk lowers call 20281 (Seal) Merton jit Attorney 8 26 42 (17669) Treasury Department Office of Dis trict Supervisor Alcohol Tax Unit Bu reau of Internal Revenue Kansas City Missouri Date of first publication September 1 1912 Notic is hereby given that on August 24 1942 one 1935 ord sedan motor number 18 1277665 was seized in Cotton County Okla homa for violation of Section 3321 In ternal Revenue Code Any person claim ing an Interest in said properly must appear at the office of the Investigator In Charge Alcohol Tax Unit 232 ed eral Building Oklahoma City homa and tile claim and cost bond as provided by Section 3724 Internal Rev enue Code on or before October 1 1942 otherwise the property will be disposed of according to law John Burkett District Supervisor (Published September 1 8 and 15 1942) We Sell Practically New Typewriters REBUILT Serviced and Guaranteed to give you the same satisfactory performance as New Machines State ss fnr In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Gardner Deceased Notice is hereby given that Carrie Gardner administratrix of the es tate of Thomas Gardner deceased having filed in this Court her final ac count of the administration of said estate and her motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said administratrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Monday the 28th day ol September 1942 at 1H00 A at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State afore said and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause it any uiey have why the said account should unt ha Mpfllpd And allowed And said estate distributed and the administra trix discharged Dated September 5th 19 12 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Miley Hoffman Williams rance Johnson Attorneys 9 8 42 9 23 42 (17613) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34880 1) In the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma Aufrkht Plaintiff vs Margaret Habben Aut'ricl*t Defendant State of Oklahoma to: Margaret Elab A fvi iM DCU rtUtin iiv Take notice that you have been sued In the above named court for a divorce on tlie grounds of abandonment cruel ty and gross neglect of duty by Aufrichl and that ou must answer the petiiiou filed therein as captioned above ly the plaintiff nn or before the 12th day of October 1942 or said petition will be taken as true and judg ment for plaintiff for divorce will be rendered Dated 1942 (17723) NOTICE Bl PUBLICATION No 106266 Ill the District Court of Oklahoma uounty UKianoina Noel lu lu tiff vs Ellzubelli Hetherington if living or If deml the unknown heirs executors admin Istrators devisees trustees and as signs of Elizabeth lletlierlngton do censed et al Defendants THbl STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Elizabeth Hetherington If living or if dead the unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns of Elizabeth Hetherington de ceased: Carrie Hoagland also known as Carrie May Hoagland if living or if dead the unknown heirs execu tors administrators devisees trus tees and assigns of Carrie Hoagland also known as Carrie May Hoagland: and Charles Killiam also known as Charles A Killiam and as Charles A Killam if living or if dead theunknown heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns of Charles Killiam also known as Charles A Killiam and as Charles A Killam deceased GREETING and each of you are hereby no tified that the plaintiff Noel has filed his petition and amendment thereto in the District Court of Okla homa County Oklahoma alleging that he is the owner in fee simple of the following described real estate situated in Oklahoma County Oklahoma to wit: Lot 12 and the East 15 feet of Ixit 11 In Block 7 Ameded Plat of Las Vegas Addilion to Oklahoma City as shown by the recorded plat thereof and that you and each of you claim some right title or interest therein but plaintiff alleges that you in fact have no real right title or interest in or to said real estate and that your assertion ot such' interest casts a cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto which should be removed by decree ot the Court and the object of said action and the prayer ot the petition is for judgment quieting plaintiff's title to said real estate You are further notified that if you do not appear and answer petition in said cause and the amend ment to petition on or before the 23ril day of October 1912 the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Oklahoma City this 9th day or September 1942 ULll l' M11SK8 Court Clerk Elmo McCallister Dcnu*tv Everest McKenzie Gibbens Attorneys tor 1'Jalntiff 9 19 42 State ss for In the Matter of the EstuU of Mary Hines Deceased Notice is hereby given that rank Crouch administrator of the estate of Mary Hines deceased having Hied in this Court his final account of the administration of said estate and mo tion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said administra tor tlie hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court lor unday the 28th day of September 1942 at A at the Court Room of said Court in the Coun ty Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administrator discharged Dated September Sth 1942 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Leslie Conner Attorney 9 8 12 9 23 42 in (17699) Treasury Department Office of Dis trict Supervisor Alcohol Tax Unit Bu reau of internal Revenue Kansas City Missouri Date of first publication Sep tember 8 1942 Notice is hereby given that on June 10 1942 one 1935 Plymouth coach motoi number PJ 112309 was seized in Cotton County Oklahoma for violation of Section 3 Liquor Enforce nient Act of 1936 Any person claiming an interest in said property must ap pear at the office of the Investigator in Charge Alcohol Tax Unit 232 ed eral Building Oklahoma City Okla homa and file claim and cost bond as 1 provided by Section 3724 Internal Rev 1 enue Code or on before October 8 1942 otherwise the property will be disposed 1 of according to law John Burkett I District Supervisor (Published Sept 8 15 and 22 1912) State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the JMstj'Ict Court within and for said nunty and Stale ctir Gordon eel th Ange lina Mee I Defendant Tiie Slate of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take OSTER LORAL CO mN HUDSON (17701) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 166417 In the District Court in and for Okla homa County State ot Oklahoma li Certain et al vs Bruce et al Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA To The Defendants: Bruce and Ida Bruce husband and wife if living or if dead the Unknown Heirs Executors Administrators Devisees Trustees and Assigns of any of said defendants deceased GREETINGS: You and each of you the above named defendants are hereby notified that the plaintiffs li Certain and Mary Certain husband and wife did on the 8th day of September 1942 file their Petition In the above entitled and numbered cause against vou and each of you and unless you answer said Petition nn or before the 21st daj of October 1942 the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and judg ment rendered accordingly decreeing the plaintiffs to be the owners of and In possession ot tlie following described real property to wit: Lots Twenty three (23) Twenty four (24) Twenty five (25) Twen ty six (26) Twenty seven (27) and Twenty eight (28) In Block Three (3) of SPENCER'S SOUTH OKLA HOMA CITY ADDl'llON 10 homa City Oklahoma And further judgment that fendant Bruce on 1931 being then the owner of HEARING INAL AND OR D1STRI AND DISCHAKGE 1 Tflte Prnfinfe State of Oklahoma Oklahoma Coun ty ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate pf Charles Kleber deceased Notice is hereby given that Margaret Sieber administratrix of the estate of Charles Sieber deceased having filed in this Court her final account of the administration of said estate and her motion for distribution of said es tate and for final discharge of said administratrix the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Wednesday (he 30th day of September 1912 at 9 A Mn at the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administratrix discharged Dated September 9 1912 (17713) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 106311 In the District Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma The City of Britton Oklnhonm a Municipal Corporation vx rcl A Connelly la i 1 1 ft vs Chas Cato et al Defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA To The Defendants: Chas Cato Joseph 'M Perkins Aliva Ewin Mary Long A Gibbs Mrs Sarah Ncblick Jer rline Bonnin Ruth Bonnin Hester A Harding James Mayall also known as Jim Mayall A Brown Effie Smith Bessie Brown Alien Powell Edmund Rogers Trus tee 1 Ransom Geo Martensen Eleanor Boggs Karl Ebenstein Eve lyn Ebenstein Tacy Ehenstein Self Alta Simpson I'L Rorem and Myrta Rorem if living or if dead the Unknown Heirs Executors Administrators Devisees Trustees and Assigns of any of said defend ants deceased GREETINGS: You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued in the District Court in and for Oklahoma County Oklahoma in the above en titled and numbered cause by the plain tiff The City of Britton Oklahoma ex rel A Connelly and unless you answer said Petition on or before the 21st day of October 1912 the allega tions of said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered according ly as prayed for decreeing the plain tiff entitled to a lien for delinquent Special Assessments for Special Im provements for paving extended against said real property in Paving District No 5 of the City of Britton Oklahoma and for further judgment and decree of sale of said real property to satisfy said liens That the tracts of real property to gether with the amounts of the unpaid delinquent a segments and penalty thereon to August 17 1912 and the years delinquent for Special Paving in said District No 5 of the City of Britton Oklahoma for which judgment liens against said tracts are prayed for and for which a decree of sale hereof to satisfy said liens is prayed for Is as follows: Tract JXH (17709) No t'B TO ('It EDITORS No IMROII of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court of said Countv nml Btate: To tho Creditors of Elsie Myrtle Koger (kriMisrdi All itersons having claims agnlnsi Elsie Myrtle Koger derRWd are re quired to present the same with the nercRsary vouchers to the undersigned administrator with the will annexed nt the law offices of Tom Garrett 280G Hamscy Tower Oklahoma 1 iv in Oklahoma Countv Oklahoma within lour months of the date hereof or same will bp forever barred Dated this 8th dnv of September rju (17668) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT AND NOTICE HEAR ING OR DISTRIBUTION (I THE ABOVE NA51ED ESTATE AND OR DISCHARGE EXECU tained ami made in said Court on tho (Illi dav of March 1912 for the sum Of $636136 with terest at the rnle of 5 per annum" from the 6th day of March 1942 and tlie further sum of $12500 attorney's fee cost of $5000 and costs accruing: 1 will on the 121 li liny of Ortolier 1912 at tlie hour of two of said day at tlie ast door of tlie Court House in tlie Citv of Oklahoma City in said Coun ty and State offer for sale and sell to tlie highest bidder for cash the said property above described or so much thereof as will satisfy said judgment with interest and costs Witness mv hand this the 9th day of September 1942 GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County Oklahoma Hv Chas McCafferty Undersheriff 9 10 42 10 12 42 (17712) HEARING INAL AND OR DISTR1 AND DISCHARGE No 18251 State ot Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate of Emma Dungan Deceased Notice is hereby given that Win Dungan administrator of the estate ot Emma Dungan deceased having filed in this Court his final account of tlie administration of said estate and his motion for distribution ot said estate and for final discharge of said ad ministrator the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for Tuesday the 29th day of September 1912 at 9:69 o'clock A at the Court Room ofsaid Court in the Countv Court Houhb at Oklahoma City in the County and State Aforesaid and all persons interested in said es tate are notified then and there to appear and show cause it any they have why tho said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administrator dis charged Dated September 8th 1942 nLAA In County Judge (17598) CERTIICATE PARTNERSHIP No 613 KNOW ALL MEN' BY THESE PRES ENTS: That Townsend and Thomas are associated as partnere in the business of contracting and buying selling and generally dealing In materi al and equipment in the city of Okla homa City Oklahoma Countv Okla homa under the firm name of TOWNS CO CONTRACTING COMPANY: that said partnership is a general partner ship dating from tho 17th dav of Aug ust 1912 that all of said partners reside lu Oklahoma County Oklahoma: and that there are no other partners belonging to said partnership Dated this 16th day ot August 1912 TOWNSEND IL THOMAS accordingly this the 24th day of August CLI MYERS Court Clerk By II Regian Deputy 1" 9 16 42 Judicial or Court BondsAre Our Specialty (17697) NOTICE HEARING INAL ACCOUNT ANU OR DISTRI BUTION ANU DISCHARGE No 18139 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter o' the Estate of Herman A Kuhlman derenseil Notice is hereby given that Dennis administrator of the estate of Herman A Kuhlman deceased having filed in this Court his final account ot thu administration of said estate and his motion for distribution of said es tate and for final discharge of said administrator the hearing of tlie same has been fixed bv the Judge of said Court lor riday the 25th dny of Sep tember 1942 nt 11 A at the Court Room ot said Court In the Coun ty Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and Stale aforesaid mid all persons interested In said estate are notified then nd there to appear and show cause if any tlmv have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administrator discharged Dated September 4 th 1912 1 BLINN (Seal) County Judge Janies Eagleton Attorney 9 5 12 9 21 42 County Judge 9 14 42 (17663) NOTICE SALE ESTATE No 17 753 In the County Court of County Oklahcma In the Matter of the EMate Allwidn Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the Countv Court of the County of Oklahoma State ot Oklahoma made on July 17 1942 in the matter of tlie estate of rames Allweln deceased the undersigned as tlie ancillary executrix of the estate of said deceased will sell at public mic tion for cash to the highest bidder siilijcct to confirmation by said County Court on the 11111 dny nf Kepleinher 1912 nt ten o'rlnek A Ji at the east door Of tlie Court House in Oklahoma Cltv Oklahoma Countv Oklahoma all imi me saio oeienonni win miie i police that von have been sued In the! r'h't' above named Court In the above namml I A 'Jn the and numbered cause for a divorce on I 0 JLrr Ji' irn Lid the grounds nf gross neglect of duivl J11'0 art Inteiest thit the mid nst'itA nan tv DhArtiftnn nr in nr ni 1942 CLI MYERS Court Clerk Bv Edna Adams Deputy Bulla for Plaintiffs 9 17 42 i Wvtch: been sued in the above named court upon the grounds of adulterv and must answer the petition of the plaintiff filed herein on or before the 6th iluy of October 1912 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment for the plaintiff for an absolute divorce will be rendered against vou accordingly (Seal) Court Clerk By Edna Adams Deputy 8 25 42 9 16 42 nnd fids 17th day of August 1912 personally appeared Tliomas to' me known to ba tho Identical person who executed the within and foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that ho exe cuted the smno ns his freo nnd vol untary art and deed for the uses nnd pui'tiows llieri'ln set forth In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand mid nfflclnl seal the day and vear last' above written GAINES (Kent) Notary Public Mv commission expires April 3 11143 8 22 42 9 21 42 (17629) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 31SSS lu the District Court in and for Okla homa County State of Oklahoma Lydia Upshaw vs William Upshaw Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said defendant Take notice that you have been sued In the above named court for divorce upon grounds of desertion and aband onment and must answer petition filed therein by said plaintiff on or before the 6th day of October 1912 A or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment for said plaintiff for divorce will be rendered accordingly CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Edna Adams Deputy isquvres Bramlett Attorneys for Plaintiff rtainsey lower 8 25 42 (17714) NOTICE REARING INAL At CO! NT AND OR DlSTltl BUUON AND DISCHARGE No 18178 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within ant( for said County and State In the Matti of the Estate of ortrey Deceased Notice is hereby given that Laurence A Porlrev administrator of Hie estate of Portrey deceased having tiled in this Court liis final account of the administration of said estate and Ins motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said admin istrator tlie hearing of tlie same has been fixed bv the Judge of said Court for Monday the 28th day of September 11142 at o'llork A at tlie Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and til persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have why the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the administrator discharged Dated September' 8th 1942 BLINN (Seal) County Judge John rank Martin Attorney 3 9 41 9 24 42 (17678) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34G94 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma Coun ty ss In tlie District Court within and for said County and State Lois Roegene 1'ack Plaintiff vs Eu gene Until Pack Defendant Tlie State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that vou have been sued in tlie above named Court in tho above named and numbered causa tor a divorce on tlie grounds of gross neglect of dut and for restoration of maiden name and vou must answer Plaintiff's petition filed herein on or before the 14th duy of October 1912 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said 1'laintift will rendered against you according to player of Plaintiff's peti CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Edna Adams Deputy Clerk Mamers niatners X'laitiini Aiioxneye 9 2 12 (17677) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ile NO 34941 In the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma Ella Mae Hamilton Plaintiff is red erick Hamilton Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said defendant: Take notice that vou have been sued In the above named court for divorce upon grounds of gross neglect of duty and 'must answer petition filed therein bv said plaintiff on or before the 14th day of October 1912 A or said peti tion will be taken as true and a judg ment for said plaintiff for divorce will be rendered accordingly CLI' Ml Bits (Seal) Court Clerk By Leonard Simpson Deputy Beatrice Brainiett Attorney for Plaintiff 1292 itamsev rower 117616) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34735 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said Countv and State James Thorne riidntli'f vs Selma Lee Dell Thorne Defendant The State of Oklahoma lo the said Defendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and you must answer Plaintiffs petition Tiled herein on or before tlie 6th day of October 194 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plnlntitt will be rendered against you according to praver of peti tl0U CLI MYERSrZx Court ClerK Deputy Clerk and 15th an I HltVHXt'lltl Ill II KIIUWII to be the Identical person who executed the within and foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he exe cuted the same as his free and vol untary act and deed for tho uses and purposes therein set forth In witness whereof I have hereunto set rnv bund and official seal th day and year last above written CRAVEN (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires eb 4 1943 (17721) NOTICE HH SALE No 164756 In the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma ederal Nnfionul Mortgage Assocliillon a corporallon Plaint if vs Barney Stewart Jr mid Emily McAlister Stewart Ills wife A Nichols Inc corporation Oklahoma I'orllnnd f'cnieut Company a rnrporatlon It liurnclt and Mrs It Burnett Defendants Notice is herebv given that In pur suance of a special execution and or der of sale issued out ot the District Court Of Oklahoma County Oklahoma on the 9th dav of September 1942 in an action wherein tlie ederal National Mortgage Association a corporation was plaintiff and Barney Stewart Jr and Emily McAlister Stewart his wile A Nichols inc a corporation Ok lahoma Portland Cement Company corporation It Burnett and Mrs It Burnett were defendants di rected to me the undersigned Sheriff of Oklahoma County Oklahoma com manding me to levy upon and sell without appraisem*nt tlie following described property situated in Okla homa Countv Oklahoma to wit: Lot ive (5) Block Sixteen (16) Amended Plat ot Blocks Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17)Liiiwood Place Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma according to the record ed plat thereof to satisfy a judgment and decree ot foreclosure in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants Harney Stewart Jr and Emily McAlister Stewart his wife A Nichols Inc a corporation Oklahoma Portland Ce ment Company a corporation It Burnett and Mrs It Burnett ol (17617) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 81559 In tlie District Court within and lor (Jlucliwrnil vOUDlV OLrllC homa iS Grady Wytch Wytch Defendant State of Oklahoma to Mary Take notice that vou have (17694) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ISO 100408 In the District Court of Oklahoma Countv State of Oklahoma A JluxKurd Plulntlff vs Dollle Jh'iitoii et aU Defendants The State of Oklahoma To: Dollle Dunton if livhur find If dead her unknown heirs executors ad ministrators devisees trustees and assigns Oklahoma Oil and Realty Company a corporation or Ila un known successors trustees and as signs: Miller and Alma La 1f living Individually and as trustees for Oklahoma OH and Really Com pany a corporation and if dead the unknown heirs executors adminis trators devisees and assigns of Miller and Alma La Trade both In dividually and as trustees for Okla homa Oil and Kealty Comnanv a corporation: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the 4th day of September 1942 A Haggard has filed in the District Court of Oklahoma County Oklalnvna in the above entitled and numbered cause his petition wherein he seeks to quiet title as against you tn the following described real estate located In the said County of Okla homa State of Oklahoma lo wlt: Lots Twenty four (24) Twenty five (25) and Twenty six (20 Rloclc Sixty four (G4) Putnam Heights Second Addition to Okla homa City Oklahoma as shown by the recorded plat thereof: and that unless vou answer said peti tion omor before the Kill day her 1912 said petition will be taken ns true and tudgnunt quieting title against vou rendered as praved CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk Rv Leonard Simpson Deputy John llallev Itavmond Everest Aitnrncys for Plaintiff 9 5 43 9 28 42 (17624) hOTICE BY PUBLICATION Au 106363 In the District Court within and for Oklahoma County State of Okla homa Bruce Holmes nnd Mary Alice Hulmes Plaintiff vs Atkins If living or If dead Ills unknown heirs executors udiniiiktrators dev isees trustees and assigns and A Owens If living or If dead his un known heirs executors administra tors devisees trustees and assigns defendants THE STATE OKLAHOMA TO: Atkins if living or if dead his unknown heirs executors admin istrators devisees trustees and as signs and A Owens if living or if dead his unknown heirs executors administrators devisees trustees and assigns GREETING: Ywu and each of you are hereby notified that Mary Alice Holmes and Bruce Holmes have filed in the Dis trict Court of Oklahoma County Okla homa their petition alleging that they are the owners of the following de scribed real estate in Oklahoma County Oklahoma to wit: Lots 41 and 42 Block 22 Putnam Heights Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma as shown by the recorded plat thereof and they ask that their title to such premises be quieted and confirmed against you and each of you And that you and each of you be barred and enjoined from asserting any right claim or interest in said property You are notified that said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered and taken as prayed for un less vou answer the same on or be for the 7th day of October 1942 WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court at my office In Oklahoma City Oklahoma County this 25th day or August (17641) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 106308 In the District Court within and for Oklahoma Countv State of Okla homa Addie Miicklln and Judge A Macklin riahttiffs vk The Heirs Executors Administrators Devisees Trus tee ami Assigns Immediate and Remote and the Unknown licit Executors Administrators Devisees Trusteesand Assigns Immediate nnd Remote of William Rice Deceased of Carrie Alacklin Deceased of Mary Macklin Deceased and of Ellie Macklin also known as Ella Macklin Deceased Do leiidaitts STATE OKLAHOMA TO The lleirst Executors Administrators Devisees Trustees and Assigns Im mediate and Remote and the Un known Heirs Executors Administra tors Devisees Trustee and Assigns immediate and Remote of William Rice Deceased of Carrie Macklin Deceased of Mary Macklin Deceased and of Ellie Macklin also known as Ella Macklin Deceased: Take notice that vou have been sued In the above named Court by the Plain tiffs Addie Macklin and Judge A Macklin alleging that more than three years has elapsed since the death of William Rice Carrie Macklin Mary Macklin and Ellie (also known as Ella) Macklin and that there lias been no decree by the County Court of Okla homa County Oklahoma which had jurisdiction to administer upon the es tates of said deceased persons wherein it was iudiciallv determined who by name are or were all the particular persons entitled to participate In the distribution of the following described real estate to wit: All of Lots Three (3) and Pour (4) and the South One half (S1 of the Northwest Quarter of Section One (1) and the West One half (WV) of Section Twelve (12) all hi Township Thirteen (13) North Range One (1) West of the Indian Meridian Oklahoma County Oklahoma under the Law of Succession In the State of Oklahoma and that the said plaintiffs claim to be the owner of said property and claim to be In pos session thereof and seek to have ju 1 diciall determined In this action the various heirs at law of the said de ceased persons and the proportion or 1 part which each is entitled to take in said real property under the Law of Succession in the State of Oklahoma 1 and quieting title of said plaintiffs in and to said real property against the above named defendants including any nnVumvH Ppir itmhllst tOVS dCV isees trustees anti assigns immediate and remote of William Rice deceased of Carrie Macklin deceased Mary Macklin deceased and of Ellie (also known as Ella) Macklin deceased: and that you must answer the petition filed herein bv the said plaintiffs on or be fore the 9th day of October 1942 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment tor inglv as prayed CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk Edna Adams Deputy Clerk oiarKtinit rialntilfs Attorney (17583) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34542 1) State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and for said County and State John Stoker Plaintiff V6 Opal Stoker Defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said De fendant Greeting: You the said defendant will take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court in the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of abandonment for more than one year next preceding filing of plaintiff's petition herein and you must answer Plaintiff's petition filed herein on or before the 1st day of October 1912 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said Plaintiff will be rendered against you according to praver of petition vuxrx1 luiiioia Court Clerk By EDNA ADAMS Deputy Clerk (17663) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 34870 If Stats of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the District Court within and ror sain county ana state Tlmmws Lewis Plaintiff vs ilnn Lewis Defendant Tho State of Oklahoma to the Defendant Greeting: Vou iho snll defendant will notice that von have been sued in the above named Court In the above named and numbered cause for a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty and von must answer plaintiff's petition filed herein on or before the 3rd dny of October 1I2 or said petition will he token ns true and judgment for ald Plaintiff will bo rcniliireil against vou according lo nrayer of Plaintiff's petition CLI MYEHB (Seal) Court Clerk Edna Adamo Dcnu*tv Clerk rank lonen Plaintiff's Attorney 8 22 42 (17710) NOTICE SALE REAL ES TATE PURCHASED BY OKLAHOMA COUNTY OKLAHOMA AT RESALE Notice is hereby given that the Coun ty Treasurer of Oklahoma County Ok lahoma has received a written bid for the following described real estate pur chased by Oklahoma County at resale and now held in the name of the Board of County Commissioners of the Coun ty of Oklahoma State of Oklahoma to wit: JjOt Six (6) Block Eighteen (18) Park Place Addition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma County Oklahoma as shown by the recorded plat thereof A written bld for the purchase of the above described real estate has been filed with and submitted to tlie County Treasurer of Oklahoma County Okla homa hy Scott who offers to pur chase the same at a price of One Hun dred 'ifty No100 Dollars (J15000) cash In hand and pursuant to the sta tute in such cases made and provided Said property will be sold to the said bidder on the Till day October 1912 upon approval thereof by tlie Board of County Commissioners of Oklahoma County Oklahoma unless a higher bid Is received for the same before said date last given The cost of tills notice and of all other expenses incident to the sale ot said real estate will be added to the highest bld made therefor nnd must be paid by the eueiessful bidder Dated this 8lh day of September 1912 WM A HL BERG County Treasurer Oklahoma County Oklahoma (Published In Tlie Daily Law Journal Record Sept 9th 16th and 23rd 1912) (17792) NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 18382 State of Oklahoma County ot Okla homa ss In the County Court of Oklahoma County State of Okla homa In the Matter of the Estate of Edith Travis otherwise known as Eds Travis Deceased To the Creditors of Edith Travis other wise known as Ede Travis De ceased: All persons having claims against Edith Travis otherwise known as Ede Travis deceased are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned Adminis trators by presenting the same to Earl 1133 irst National Building Oklahoma City Oklahoma the service agent of said Administrators within four (4) months of the date hereof or tlie same will be forever barred Dated this Oth day of September 1942 ROLLIN ISHER EDGAR BOARDMAN Administrators of tlie Estate of Edith Travis otherwise Known as Due Travis Deceased Richardson Shartel Cochran Chilson Pruetr By Earl Truet Attorneys for Administrators 9 8 42 9 23 42 (17715) NOTICE HEARING PETITION OR WILL No 18570 I Nolice is hereby given to nil persons interested in ilia estate nf elix Lewis i lllffce deiciiseil that on the 8th day of September 1942 CliHord Purcell produced and filed In the County Court of tlie County Oklahoma and Slate nf Oklahoma an Instrument tn writing purporting to lie the last will and testa ment of elix Lewis Diffee deceased and also filed in said Court his peti tion praying for the probate of said will anil that Letters Testamentary issue thereon to CHIToid Purcell Hie executor named In said will Pursuant to an miler of said Court made on the 8th day of Beptember 1942 notice Is hereby given that Thursday (lie '2illi day nf Seil iiiIiit 1912 nt Hie hour ot 9 A of said day that being a day of tlio regular July term 1912 of said Court has been appointed as tho lime for bearing said petition ami moving said will nt the County Court Room in this County Court House nt Oklahoma City in said County of Oklahoma when ami where all persons IntcreatiMl mnv appear and content tlm same IN TESTIMONY WHEREO I have set my hand nnd tlie seal of said Comity Court tills 8th dny of September 1942 BLINN County Judge (Seal) 8 27 42 (17631) NOTICE SALE LAND UNDER ORECLOSURE No 164596 Notice is hereby given that on lift 25th day of September 1942 at two at tlie East door of Hie court house at Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma: the under signed Sheriff of said County will offer for rale and sell tor cash al public auction to the highest and best bidder without appraisem*nt all that certain real estate in Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma to wit: Lot Thirty (30) Block One (1) Classen North Highland Parked Ad dition to Oklahoma City Oklahoma County according to the recorded plat thereof subject only to taxes against said real estate and tax sales thereof Sale will be made pursuant to an order of sale issued upon a judgment entered in tlie District Court ot Okla homa County in Cause No 104596 wherein Rome Loan Corpora tion a corporation Is plaintiff and annie Bowling a single woman et ai are defcadants to satisfy said judgment in tlie sum of J4G2872 with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per annum from October 23 1911 until paid $45400 as fee and costs and costs accruing Witness my hand this 25th day of August 1942 GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County By Chas McCafferty Uiidershcriff Scott Squyrcs Attorney for Plaintiff 8 26 42 9 25 42 (17633) NOTICE SALE 04 LAND UNDER ORECLOSURE No 101850 Notice Is hereby given that on the 2519 dav of September 1912 at two o'clock at the East door of the court house at Oklahoma City Okla homa County Oklahoma tlie under signed Sheriff of Said County will offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction to tlie highest and best bidder without appraisem*nt all that certain real estate in Oklahoma Coun ty Oklahoma to wit: AB of Lot ive (5) in Block Thirty seven (37) in Linwood Place Addition to Oklahoma City Okla homa County as the same is shown on the recorded plat thereof subject oply to taxes against said real estate apd tax sales thereof Sale will be made pursuaot to an order of sale issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Okla homa County in Cause No 104850 wherein Home Loan Corpora tion rnrporatlon is plaintiff and Lockwood and Mazie Lockwood et al are defeiulanls to satisfy said judgment in the sum of $383649 with interest thereon at the rate nf 5 per annum from December 5 1911 until paid $38000 as fee and costs and costs accruing Witness my hand thia 25th day of August 1942 GEORGE GO Sheriff of Oklahoma County By Chas McCafferty Undersheriff Scott Squyres Attorney for Plaintiff 8 26 42 9 25 42 the de May 8 an un divided interest in said above described real property made execute'1 and de livered for a valuable consli "ration to Ida Bruce his conveyance ot all ot hia right title and interest in and to said hereinabove described real property: i And further judgment that thereafter and on June 11 1911 Ma Bruce conveyed all of her interest in arm! above described real propertv to Stella Winkler: And further Judgment that on the 27th day of August 1942 the said Stella Winkler was the owner of the complete title to said above described rent prop erty ami made executed and delivered her conveyance thereto to these plain tiffs And further judgment that the said defendants and each of them never owned or occupied aald above described real property and never lived In the same as their homestead and that the said defendant Ida Bruce acquired tlie interest of the said Bitnie as her separata and Individual property ami that at the time she sold her in terest therein which conveyance her husband did not join the same was her individual and separate property and that said real property was not and had never been used and occupied as the homestead of the defendanta And further judgment removing tlie cloud upon tlie title of the plaintiffs by reaaon of the said defendants not joint ly executing a conveyance to said above described real property nnd quieting and confirming these rlalnl If ts' title thereto as against the defendant and each nt them Wltnoas mv hand and seal this 8th day ot September 1912 lll'l' Court Clerk of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma TJv TrvimA Khnnurm Ted R' Eillott Attorney tor Plaintiffs 9 9 42 10 1 42 VV Typewriter Exchange Hightower Building 405 Main Street Phone 7 7012 NOTICE HEARING INAL AC OUNT AND OR DISTRI BUTION AND DISCHARGE No 18174 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma County ss In the County Court within and for said County and State In the Matter of the Estate Of Latina Muy Shiner Deceased Notice is hereby given that Ernest A Shiner and Mrs Jennie Clark executors of the estate of Emma May Shiner deceased having filed in this Court their final account of the ad ministration of said estate and their motion for distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said execu tors tlie hearing of tho same has been fixed bv tlie Judge of said Court for Thursday the 24th day of September 1942 at 9 A at the Court Room nf said Court in the County Court House at Oklahoma City in the County and State aforesaid and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause if any they have" way the said account should not be settled and allowed and said estate distributed and the executors discharged Dated August 28th 1942 BLINN County judge Ted Hightower Bldg Attnrnov for Plaintiff 11 9 42 16 1 42 fey w' 9 9 42 vi ii1OTII1liiilliowwi HIoaTmiTiT I m'i nr I IM i Ia 19 3 1929 to 1938 incl $22930 20 3 1929 to 1938 incl 22930 21 3 1929 to 1938 incl 22930 22 3 1929 to 1938 im 22930 23 3 1929 to 1936 incl 20099 24 3 1929 to 1936 iml 20099 27 3 1935 to 1938 Incl 6516 28 3 1935 to 1938 inch 6516 17 4 1929 to 1938 incl 22975 18 4 1929 to 1938 incl 22975 19 4 1929 to 1938 iml 22975 20 4 1929 to 1938 incl 22975 21 4 1929 to 1938 inch 22975 22 4 1929 to 1938 incl 22975 23 4 1929 to 1938 infl 22975 24 4 1929 to 1938 incl 22975 25 4 1930 to 1938 incl 20203 26 4 1930 to 1938 incl 20203 27 4 1929 to 1938 incl 22929' 28 4 1929 to 1938 Incl 22929 27 5 1929 to 1936 incl 3795 28 5 1929 to 1936 inel 3795 3 II 1929 0 1938 Incl 22909 4 9 1929 to 1938 incl 22969 9 1929 to 1936 incl 20142 12 II 1929 to 1936 incl 20142 13 9 11'29 to 193(1 inch 20142 14 9 1929 to 1936 incl 20142 12 10 1929 to 1938 incl 22932 9 11 19211 to 1938 Incl 20105 10 11 1929 to 1938 im 20405 All of the above described real.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.